
Hi there! I missed ya'll!

I don't know if anyone here has noticed, but I've been on the quieter side of things because of life.

> I'm still working in the hospital during the night for 12 hours but luckily I only work three days of the seven weekly. I have wonderful coworkers that treat me very well, though I still have patients that do get on my nerves but that's okay since some of them are old, confused, or homeless. I can't blame them if they want to tussle a 4'11 little girl who's trying to help them brush their teeth or wipe their ass lmao

> Towards the end of February, I've had recently just moved out from the house that lived in for almost my whole life. Thanks for my cousin (that I give my rent to), who was supposed to handle the mortgage payments decided that she was gonna take in a loan and used the house that I was living in as collateral. (: And since she couldn't cough up the 500k dollars that she owed, she lost ownership and the new owners decided to hike up the rent by 3x the amount. Thankfully my family and I found a very good apartment with an awesome deal... so I'm currently super comfortable. The whole moving out situation was just super inconvenient.

> My laptop is absolute ass and same with my PS4. So what did I do? I built a computer just because I really wanted to play FFXIV and actually TALK to people (because obviously you can't type decent enough on a PS4 controller). But instead of playing FFXIV for the past 3 weeks, I decided to play Halo and Dragon Age??? And completely neglect my everything I was doing in toyhouse.

> I just came back from a 3-day roadtrip with friends. So I'm still settling back down until I have to go back to work tomorrow. My butt hurts from sitting in the car for too long and my feet ache from walking around.

Anyways, I feel like I'm in the mood to go back to being active on TH again. I've barely picked up the tablet and drawing on the phone... actually sucks even with the stylus. So here's the thing

1. Money is no longer a concern of mine. And it's been harder and harder to really pick up my stylus to draw... anything. Even with a new computer, the motivation hasn't been there.
> When I desire it, I'll still occasionally open a freebie thread purely out of boredom.
> That said, I'm not going to be sure when I'll make anymore adopt sets. Occasionally I'll post a design or two every once in a blue moon, but that's about what I can guarantee.


Omg, the code is so nice! This was a really fun way to get an update. Glad to hear things are looking up! :)

Damn patients, they need to be patient *fingerguns* in all seriousness, yeah older folks i just smile and nod no use getting them upset xx

That's great you found a great apartment! I hope i get there one day, when I get a way better job. This economy is the worst my mom has seen, more so than 2009 :/

Dragon Age aw yeahhhhhh. FFXIV I miss playing due to some issues coming up but it's fine now. Hopefully lol maybe....Dx

Try standing up while on the computer if possible?

It's okay, I get those times too. Just do what you want right now that makes you feel better after a long work day. Taking a break from art won't hurt.

Also :eyes: what kind visual novel you making?

HECK i love that pun lfdbskndj... alot of old people got nothing else to do but be upset... yknow. I like older people... but there's a point y'know? Alot of people don't understand that in the hospital.

The economy SUCKS... and California is expensive. I'm still living with my family... so I still wish I can move out with my boyfriend and be on my own.

Man.... I love dragon age... AND mass effect. Im excited for the next games for either one of them sdkjhfdk

Also... I'm not sure! Just a casual conversation with funny choices, y'know? Still with emery but eventually I'll get to the cooler characters whenever I get the chance LMAO

Glad you do hehehe I love dishing out puns, my bf pretends to hate them but he loves it >D Right? I'd rather not have them rant at me in retail but at a hospital, totally get it. Though when they get real nasty I do try and reason with them.

IT SURE DOES and oh god Cali, damn xx I also live with mine, here in tx, and the prices have shot up. Price of sprite cans in a pack is 7 bucks? HELL NO i bought bottles, just 2 bucks more but they won't go bad. It's so awful. I wish I could move out too T_T

SAME those two series are just *chefs kiss* I wish I enjoyed Andromeda but eh, it just didn't mesh well with me at the time. I could retry it though but ugh. Motivation lol esp for a game that big.

Oh a fun one :D XD Ive been in the visual novel indie dev scene/industry since mid 2015 as a ui/logo designer. Are you using ren'py?

this was v neat, are u gonna do all the bulletins like that moving forward? the art... v pretty

sorry those patients are still being ass :( glad you were able to find a comfy place to stay, tho! get a massage chair. we'll go massage chair shopping

oh god no... there's too much code... and I don't have enough patience for that lmao

but it would be very cute

Also yeah

we'll ship it back and forth between states so we can both use it