LF: old ass ocs of mine

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Grzybowt

Hi! Please let me know if you own any designs of mine from 2017-2019, I'd love to either just favorite them, or trade for them!

Also desperately looking for anyone who owns a Papirkutt (my defunct closed species from 2017 DA) Tagging a couple people who I need to DM about old ocs (just to remind myself and also to remind them)

Revy I went thru my DA recently and found that you claimed a shit load of my old adopts that I have never seen surface on TH so I wanted to know if it were possible to catalog all of those? I'd really like to own some of em again for re-vamping if they aren't in use :]

GLITCH-DXCTOR I am 99% sure you have some of my old designs on your storage/sale acc? I looked a long while ago but yeah!

I don't know who else still follows me here from DA.. please let me known if you do! My usernames were: Two-Time, Minimall-Carnival, PurpleHappiness-HIVE , and now Grzybowt


there might be some of your designs in this “random files” character i made a while ago while clearing out my old ipad!!

Youd have to remind me who all i owned to a degree cause Yogen (pap) and Vinny (sketch  concept) were traded, and those are the mains ones i recall uploading :0 //Revy

Sorry for Tagging the wrong account I went on a wild goose chase trying to figure out which one was your active one x.x I will reply to this message soon with a billion links / photos. I think a lot of the ones you adopted were then.. what's the word... archived? I can access them but others can't so frankly the "figuring out what you adopted from me" thing is essentially all on me lol. I can't remember a lot of specifics but I know you adopted this guy from me, he's only uploaded as species proof of existence so he doesn't have his own profile or anything: https://toyhou.se/21347884.tiktak-species#64446716

I know for a fact i never uploaded em anywhere or traded them! :0 

I cant see the link for the first, and i   didnt upload the second kiddo either so theyre good to gl

https://imgur.com/a/OnWTQ9A SORRY here's the first link

4 Replies

i still own lamp! i'll get around to reuploading characters to my profile at some point i promise lmao 

i know this papirkutt is on th!! :/3 https://toyhou.se/1024211.ruben not mine but the owner is still active so!

and i dont think i own any ocs made by you but ive been following u for forever.. on DA ive been bvttermilk/wipeovt

Thank you SO damn much for that link!!!!! It makes me so happy to see these guys again. I am thinking of revamping them and making them a species again (but less ugly). Celyn even got a redesign recently: https://toyhou.se/1035538.celyn#64399713 !! And yes! I remember you very well from the DA days :3 I think I've gotten most of the characters I designed that you adopted back from you over the years. I think the only guy u have is Napoleon BUT I didn't design them, just previously owned

CELYN!!! omg the glow up ♥♥ i remember that silly fella

i remember u too dude! :D im happy you remember me hehe.

if you do infact end up opening papirkutts again lmk cause id love to indulge in the nostalgia 

THANKS! i will tag u and u will get (drumroll) free MYO because it makes me very happy there r people who are still invested even all these years later

omg yay! :D exciting. yesss im still invested 100%