Literature and Worlds (solved!)

Posted 1 year, 10 days ago by username

Heyo! How has everyone been doing? It's been a while since I hopped on this account to post something. ^^

Anywho, I'm looking for some help. I'm currently working on my very first CSS theme that I'll post publically. However, I run into a bit of an issue in regards to the Library and Worlds pages since I haven't really done much of either. If you (or anyone you know) happen to have written several literature pieces or have joined in a bunch of worlds, please drop a comment so I can properly code those pages? I want to make sure the new skin works well for everyone, and that requires having references.

Many thanks and I wish you all an amazing day. x3

- mrpuppychow

Edit: I found the right person. Thank you so much!


I have this new world for writers: The Raven's Nest if you want. For literature, I do have but you could also make a bulletin to spread the news so to speak :D

I was referring to a user who has joined a lot of worlds or has written a lot of literature posts, haha. Pardon my confusion.

But hey! You are the perfect person I was looking for, so it all worked out in the end. x3

Whelp totally misread that lmao just when I thought I finally understood English it comes to haunt me XD