Remedy: Basic Information

Posted 8 years, 7 days ago by lofivoid

Finally got around to typing out my plot lines for my main universe! Thought I'd post it here for easy access and in case anyone was curious shrugs

Basic plot:

Remedy is the name of a small cafe in a bustling college town. Not only is it a great hang out for college kids to meet up, study, and grab a bite to eat, but it also hosts live music and various forms of entertainment like poetry and stand up. It is also a safe haven for oppressed groups to feel welcome. It is a Safe Place, with a hidden area for people to live in temporarily, but sometimes permanently, to escape abuse.


Main Cast:

Lavi: Owner of Remedy. Main barista.
Reita: Musician, frequent customer. Bassist, scared to sing. Secretly abused (future resident)
Vortex (vocals), Grimm (guitar), Berlin (guitar 2) and Raven(drums) also in his group.
Vortex: energetic, outgoing, but a bit abrasive. Lavi isn’t terribly fond of him (has graffitied his bathroom walls)
Grimm: Giant asshole. Abusive, snarky.
Berlin: Quiet, but witty. Has a sharp tongue and loves competition.
Raven: Also quiet, but is very sweet overall. Tough guy is appearance only.
Beta: abuse survivor, despite the longterm effects. Lavi takes personal care of him
Kai: frequent customer. Silent type, but enjoys intellectual conversations with Lavi.
Lightning: over-energetic frequent customer. Bothers Lavi incessantly
Glitch: Freq customer. Sporadic resident. In and out of abusive relationships. Technician for the equipment, also plays electronica on music nights. Information broker.
Aoi: freq customer. Brings flowers to decorate. Live in assistant/counselor.


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