Candyfloss Redesigns! [closed]

Posted 1 year, 22 days ago by SweetLunar

Will be taking on some re-design commissions so you'll end up with a floss you love! <3 !!!!
(First come-first serve & payment is due on claim)
OPEN until ALL slots are filled! 

¤ • ♥ Price levels ♥ • ¤
-10 slots (might add more so comment for wait-list)
Comment below to claim lovelies! For custom redesigns you will submit a floss you want me to redesign for you and choose from the options below! When requesting something you can be as specific or as vague as you want to be. If you have something specific in mind, then describe it and ill do my best! If you just have a floss you wanna revamp feel free to be vague or leave things up to me! Theres no form, so just link the floss and specify which options you want, and any specifics about the changes!
dao7sq9-ac61d9c1-4283-424e-b785-178a174b$15 Just a trim! I will redraw the floss in my style, on a small base with hairstyle/gender changes upon request. They will be drawn naked or with a plain T-shirt and socks. Good for gender changes, new refs or aging up babies.

$20 small changes! I will do what i offer above but will also edit the existing traits on the floss. This can be done to your request. For example can include changing palette colors, changing an overhaul pattern, editing the color, size or shape of traits etc.

+$5 adding simple traits! Add a trait to the floss or change an existing trait material for

+5 per trait to which option you choose from above. These are for simple traits of the basic, candy, or goo materials. Sets of a trait, like matching halos or horns will count as 1 payment.

+$7 more materials Same as above, but includes the other materials, plant, smoke, metal, and mechanical

+$10 admin only + Clan materials Adding new traits or changing existing traits to an admin only shape or clan materials! + prosthetic limb(s)

$45 Lunar's Imagination! This is up to me, I will redesign the floss how I see fit with guaranteed overhaul design and at least one admin trait. Because this is up to me, you cant request things, so its a bit of a surprise. Mahahaha

d4e9j1k-f4d3a17c-ff04-4051-8df0-589ceb1eNOTE! You will have to pay for the updated traits, the easiest way to go about this is to buy a legendary trait pack (admin are covered). They will have to pass redesign however, and I will fix them if they require fixing for no extra charge. You will have to send them in with a form though. I will however get them pre-approved from the redesign center admin so their approval will be expedited. Because I want to be able to change alot, I wont be doing any Clan or Flavor changes! I will add marriage gems for no charge upon request tho!

Specially allowed to create adopts/redesign for this closed species as an Admin.
Candyfloss are a closed species created by the lovely Tenshilove

1. bigbyshand
2. mrsplay
3. leeli
4. leeli



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Onyx-Diamond <3 Please send $45  here:

- send as good/services 

- set to no address needed

- leave your TH username in the note (nothing else)

Please let me know when you have paid and I'll get started right away. 

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I think this falls under just a trim but tell me otherwise: I like ice cat ears, an ice tail to be added, ice spike on her wrist 

It's a small change edit since your adding traits (20) + 10 for the clan trait c: still want it? You can also request other edits to the base fur or hair. rachelneko 

Yes please!

Please send $30  here:

- send as good/services 

- set to no address needed

- leave your TH username in the note (nothing else)

Please let me know when you have paid and I'll get started right away. 

Payment sent

I’d like just a trim for this bean
I’d like to make them more masc, maybe with short, fluffy hair? Hair colors are fine as is. ^^

Please send $15  here:

- send as good/services 

- set to no address needed

- leave your TH username in the note (nothing else)

Please let me know when you have paid and I'll get started right away. 


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Please send $15 + $45 = $60 here:

- send as good/services 

- set to no address needed

- leave your TH username in the note (nothing else)

Please let me know when you have paid and I'll get started right away. 

This user is not visible to guests. just an age up please .

Please send $15 here:

- send as good/services 

- set to no address needed

- leave your TH username in the note (nothing else)

Please let me know when you have paid and I'll get started right away. 


i would love to nab a redesign slot from ya :^D

i'd like the $45 option and let you go wild with this boy here

bigbyshand <3 muahz
Please send $45 here:

- up to you whether to send as good/services or friend

- set to no address needed

- leave your TH username in the note (nothing else)

Please let me know when you have paid and I'll get started right away. 

payment all sent! <3