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Posted 1 year, 10 days ago by tapewormslurper

Hi ;;

Finally done with the semester, failed one class gonna retake it this fall but luckily it won’t affect my graduation timeframe B”) I’m in a community rn going to transfer to a reg college nearby to finish Bachelors next fall sem.

With that said,

I completely forgot how to draw and art again 💀

For those who have been keeping an eye on my own adopts/designs, I’m so sorry 😭
I don’t want to constantly give sketches and unfinished art/designs so I will take my time to fully complete them. I’m also still attached to few of them so ;;

For the ones who have intially requested/commissioned/were expecting art from me, I am incredibly sorry.
Readjusting to life and living, same with art. Coming out of this year’s depression slump/SAD, hopefully my trip to the Philippines will make me more alive;; I’m going to bring my laptop and drawing tablet alongside my ipad, so I should be able to draw as well.

I’m still anxious and slow when receiving and replying to messages and I prefer replying when I’m fully focused on it so the return time is very slow. 

Thank you for those who helped me last year amongst my really bad midlife crisis“ and for still sticking by and waiting.

I hope to return the kindness and patience properly sooner than later.

See you guys in a bit!
Again I’m more active on Twitter though I have it at a 1hr? time limit same with Instagram.

Hope life is or will be good for you all as well ☕️🙇🌷

Currently renovating my room a bit before I start drawing again.


wb and best of luck with art again! take your time with stuff :o make sure you take breaks as you need them

glad to have news from you!! really happy to see you back! 

I hope everything gets better to you!!!