We hope you're having a great month so far!

The staff team has been busy lately but we're bound to pick up the pace again this month, onwards!

Buckle up as we report updates on the species, present a lore event and a chance to get rare & legendary MYOs!

✦ Species Updates ✦


We're around halfway through updating the masterlist which includes the swangel rarity and traits. Yay for accessibility & organization!


Along with the more detailed masterlist, we're also getting around on sorting swangels in the world. Feel free to check them out in the coming weeks!


There will be a pride gacha batch made by the staff team and GAs. Please look forward to it!


We want the species to be accessible to everyone and to reward community activity and participation!

Here's an overview of how golden tags work and how to obtain them! It's the swangel species currency that you can earn by participating in the discord server, in events and more!

Golden tags will allow you to...

  • buy shop items (from trait upgrades to MYO's!)
  • adopt swangels designed by the staff team!

Here are different ways to get golden tags: 

  • draw others' swangels (max of 3 gifts per month)
  • draw mod swangels (max of 2 gifts per month)
  • answer the question of the week (50 golden tags weekly!)
  • join special events & raffles (varies)
  • open tag commissions
  • use the work command
  • get tags by being a server booster

Thank you to everyone who's been with us as the species grow! And of course welcome to our new members! We appreciate your support and we look forward to more fun things ahead!!

Now, onto the lore event 👀

✦ Lore Event: Familiars ✦

Familiars, to swangels, are like companions on fulfilling their duties on guiding their human.

To humans, familiars are more known as "spirit animals."

A few days back, Celia got her familiar: a fluffy bunny she named Carrot. Being the ball of energy that she is, Celia eagerly introduced Carrot to her roommate and closest friend: May-re. Both swangels fawned over the soft and cuddly familiar. It was an afternoon of laughs and just Celia and Carrot being the perfect chaotic duo.

Being acquainted to Carrot reminded May-re that once, she had a familiar of her own as well.

Where is he now? Is he still wandering in the vast dream realm unable to reach her..?

May-re could only wish she still had the ability to travel to the dream realm to finally reunite with her lamb familiar. It pains her to think that all this time he's been waiting for her, probably calling for her...

It didn't take awhile for Celia to notice that something was up with her friend. As bubbly and positive as she is, Celia is observant and perceptive as well. Even if May-re tries hard not to let her know, she could see how much May-re misses her own familiar.

It won't be an easy feat. It's quite a daunting mission, and Celia could not do it alone. She opens this up to Rhodes, and asks for his help. When it comes to cheering up May-re, these two seem to set aside their differences. Together, they devised a plan to reunite May-re and her lamb.

But the dream realm is far too vast for just her and Rhodes to search, even with the help of their familiars, Carrot the bunny and Midnight the cat.

And now... they need your swangels' help!

Give your swangel a familiar to join Celia and Rhodes

on their search for May-re's lamb!


Are you ready to give your swangel a familiar?

Midnight went out of his way to show you some of the things you should remember when designing your swangel's familiar!


In this event, you can give your swangel a familiar for free!

Draw/write about your swangel with their familiar to get 100 golden tags and an entry to a MYO raffle

where you will have the chance to get either a rare or legendary MYO!

Do not have a swangel yet? You can draw/write about Celia and Rhodes with their familiars!

All writing must be at least 500 words, while all art entries must be at least flat colored.

Submit your entries in the ✦ Swangel Discord Server

The event will end on July 1st, 6am (EST)
NOTE: After the event, you will only be allowed to give your swangel a familiar by purchasing a shop item!


  • They are not traited and there are no rarities.
  • You do not need to get them approved by staff, as well!
  • A swangel can only have ONE familiar.
  • When designing your swangel, familiars are optional! They are not required!
  • A familiar can be any animal, including ancient ones like dinosaurs. The only exception will be hybrids (dog with fish tail, etc).

And that's a wrap! We look forward to seeing your swangels and their familiars! Or reading about their adventures together!

If you have questions, comment below or for faster response, send them at the qna channel in discord!

Thank you everyone!


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