Hey everyone, it's your favorite King of Clown-Style reporting in!

Another week is has come and gone, and I didn't post anything new this weekI

Instead, what I did was an update to my two Taekwondoers, Choi Chan-Sook of Ring Rabbit and Tyson Burke of Mall Masters. Outside of that, nothing else~!

Sorry, I've been so knackered again. You know how it is in this rough time of ours. Though in fairness I haven't posted anything new to the Deviantart either, so it's fair and square! Hopefully this coming week will be a different story, so stay tuned!


However, I do come with a simple request to those who are willing to help out their local Clown's Man! And that is to give me a promo!

I'll be real: Despite being an incredible character designer and writer, I have a had a hard time getting noticed. Being that I'm not much of an artist, I tend to get ignored whenever I post something on here since I only have my reference sheets, and that can only get me so far.

Now you might say 'Well why not participate on the forums, Eric? That might net you a new follower or two'. And to that I say...I'm just bad with forums. I've tried many times before, and it just never clicked with me.

So if you're someone who really enjoys the work I do, I'd really appreciate a shout-out or two! It'd really help me, and I feel if I had more followers, I might be more active on here! So come on, let's do it! Show your love for your local Clown's Man and give me a Promo!


Promo'd you bro, I have very little following here compared to on Twitter but its the thought that counts