IronfistClown's Bulletins


Posted 9 months, 23 days ago by IronfistClown

Hey. It's me. That Clown guy. You doing good? I'm doing alright. Anyways this is just a reminder to be following me elsewhere.

Peep the Carrrd. Peaceu.

See Ya, I'm Outie

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by IronfistClown

I ain't gonna sugarcoat it, I'm leaving. Not because of any drama or site bullshit like on Deviantart and their allowing of AI Bullshit, but I've way too much outdated stuff here and I'm too lazy to go through and edit all my entries.

I'm just gonna post my shit to my Twitter and Discord. Also making Carrd sites for my OC concepts now. Check the link for my shit. Laters.


Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by IronfistClown

I should like, update this place or something.

Nah. Too much work.


Posted 3 years, 6 months ago by IronfistClown


Ok Seriously

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago by IronfistClown


Character Dumpage Incoming

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by IronfistClown

Hey gang, it's me again.

Sorry for always posting and leaving, I'm gonna try and be more active on here this week.

Anyhow, you can guess what's coming. Huge character dump tomorrow. 10 in all.

You excited or what?

Hey everyone, it's your favorite King of Clown-Style reporting in!

Another week is has come and gone, and I didn't post anything new this weekI

Instead, what I did was an update to my two Taekwondoers, Choi Chan-Sook of Ring Rabbit and Tyson Burke of Mall Masters. Outside of that, nothing else~!

Sorry, I've been so knackered again. You know how it is in this rough time of ours. Though in fairness I haven't posted anything new to the Deviantart either, so it's fair and square! Hopefully this coming week will be a different story, so stay tuned!


However, I do come with a simple request to those who are willing to help out their local Clown's Man! And that is to give me a promo!

I'll be real: Despite being an incredible character designer and writer, I have a had a hard time getting noticed. Being that I'm not much of an artist, I tend to get ignored whenever I post something on here since I only have my reference sheets, and that can only get me so far.

Now you might say 'Well why not participate on the forums, Eric? That might net you a new follower or two'. And to that I say...I'm just bad with forums. I've tried many times before, and it just never clicked with me.

So if you're someone who really enjoys the work I do, I'd really appreciate a shout-out or two! It'd really help me, and I feel if I had more followers, I might be more active on here! So come on, let's do it! Show your love for your local Clown's Man and give me a Promo!

In Case You Missed It #1

Posted 4 years, 17 days ago by IronfistClown

Hey everyone, it's your favorite King of Clown-Style reporting in! By the time this post goes up, my page will be caught up with my Deviantart in terms of Characters uploaded and such!

And since I'll be caught up on both fronts, I want to use this time to try and be more active here on Toyhouse. But because my stuff is easily looked over by most folks (I do post at rather poor times), I'd figure that I'd try to do something to remedy that. So welcome to the first 'In Case You Missed It'! A weekly/whenever it feels relevant bulletin post about stuff you might have missed in my gallery this past week! So no further delay, lets get to it!

-If you missed the last bulletin, you'll know that I'm planning on restarting Nonkina Ace, my story about Clowns fighting each other in a very Shounen manga fashion, and as such, I was going to delete all characters for it from my page so I can start anew. Now I know, I could have easily updated characters profiles once I've upgraded them, but this is how I work. If they ain't good enough for me, they ain't good enough for you!

Anyways, they're all gone now! Ace V2 will commence sometime next month or even earlier than that depending on how fast I can finish my current slate of characters I want to make. Right now I wanna get a handful of Go-Knights characters out of the way, but keep your eyes peeled! You might just see a Nonkina Ace character in the next day or so!

-I keep on digging my hole as I've made not one, but THREE new stories in my abscence from Toyhouse! The Mall-verse sharing Tough Breaker and it's sister series Fight!! Girl's Academy, and the Tokusatsu inspired Go-Knights! And as such, I've posted the basic plot summaries for all stories in their respective World pages. Expect some minor world building coming later this week!

-In addition to plots n' stuff, I've also added a ton of characters in general! 14 in all!

Specifically we got:

Check em' out and tell me what you think! Favs, comments and ect. are appreciated!

-You know what else would be super appreciated? Giving me a promo! I feel like if I had more followers and mutuals I'd have more incentive to post here more often. So hey! If you know anyone who'd like super cool fighting characters, let em' know Eric is someone worth keeping an eye on!

-And here's a bonus for this post, come join my public Discord server!


We're a friendly hang out server! Talk to people, post your art, do whatever! Just don't be a dick! And you'd better act fast, cuz this link goes dead in 24 hours, so hurry!!

And that does it for this weekly wrap up! Thanks for reading if you did! Look forward to more of my works this week! Thank you!

Hey, me again. I know, I know, I ghosted again. Sorry about that, it can't be helped.

Anyhow, I hope you're all doing well in this crazy time. I'm doing well myself. Been working on OCs as per usual, but of course I haven't shared any of them here lately.

Sorry about that. Deviantart IS and always will be my main platform, plus uploading characters to Toyhouse is still a long sloth of a process. It's not like Deviantart where you have the Stash function to save drafts and what not.

But I'm gonna do what's right. I'm gonna try and load off all the OCs who haven't been uploaded here yet! This namely goes for three stories I've started in the mean while, so look forward to some new blood about!

Also, remember all those Clown OCs I have? Yeah, about that....I'm restarting the story, and in that process I'm also going to redesign/overhaul the characters, so expect to see the Nonkina Ace world dry up.

In the mean time, make sure to follow me on Deviantart so you see stuff earlier and get more details on my stories and such! Please look forward to all the incoming characters! There's gonna be a lot!

Characters Incoming

Posted 4 years, 2 months ago by IronfistClown

It's been awhile again since I've posted some of my characters here. Look forward to a lot of em'.

We got two Ring Rabbits, A Mall Master and two new OC series: Tough Breaker and Go-Knights, Delinquents and Sentai/Toku inspired characters respectively.

It's gonna be wild. Get hyped.