Interaction & Blacklist

Posted 11 months, 7 days ago by seapriest


Please do not interact with me or my content if you fall under any of the following:

  1. You are not Asian and go by Asian names/ Aestheticize-Fetishize Asian cultures (especially East Asian)
    1. Going by Asian names includes systems. If you are not Asian, find an alternative name.
    2. I don't like people using terms like "hikikomori" or "yandere" unironically as well, especially if they're not Asian.
  2. You support loli/ sho/ cub, beast/ zoo, etc. content or glorify/ fetishize unhealthy behaviors/ relationships.
    1. This includes content of characters who are meant to look childlike despite being adults.
    2. This includes just NSFW art of ferals.
  3. You support MAPs/ PEARs/ pro-shippers/ "anti-antis," or if you are into things such as age-play.
  4. You use terms like f*mboy, tr*p, and f*ta and-or if you sexualize/ fetishize transfems.
  5. You make cult jokes.
  6. You treat designs only as trade fodder, and hold designers and artists to unrealistic expectations.
    1. Example: "I only want HQ trades" / "No LQ offers"
    2. Example: "Popufur trades only"
    3. Example: Buying adopts/ characters from an artist specifically for trading. Includes buying a character and immediately putting up for trade/ sale.
One thing to keep in mind when interacting with me is that I don't like people who have "canonmates," people who do "canon calls," and people who spread misinformation about medical disorders online. I'm also not a fan who are very clearly anti-recovery and people who enable their own bad habits and that of others.
I struggle with morality-based OCD so I block people frequently over small small things. I check most people I follow and most people who follow me because of this. 


  1. iKitsunyan - No race listed and is very clearly fetishizing Japanese cultures (i.e., going by Japanese names, calling their system the "Oyasumi System"). 


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