

This raffle will be started 6/20 and end 6/25 so it has time to be shared around !

Since this is posted on the 19th, you can still enter early !

Hey everyone, it’s that time of year again! June 20th, 1863 , the day we became a state ! A little history on WV Day, before you read the rules in how to enter hehe.

“During the Civil War, the Virginia General Assembly in Richmond chose to join the Confederate States of America, much to the chagrin of many Union loyalists in the counties bordering Pennsylvania and Ohio in the trans-Allegheny region of the state.[2] They created a Unionist state government in Wheeling under Francis Pierpont, which began to call for the creation of a new Union state in western Virginia, but the inclusion of many Confederate counties in the new state complicated their efforts.[3] After two years of legal maneuvering, West Virginia was formally admitted to the United States of America on June 20, 1863 via proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln

June 20 had been informally celebrated across West Virginia over the next six decades until the West Virginia Legislature gave the holiday formal recognition in 1927.[4] The day has traditionally been celebrated with festivities at the state capitol complex in Charleston and at other locations across the state. West Virginia Day is celebrated in various different ways across the state, with things like festivals at the capitol in Charleston and Fayetteville.” Sourced from Wikipedia, it’s the easiest way I know, lol don’t judge me. 

As a native of WV, this holiday means a lot to me. While many barely know of our existence, not remembering we are our own state or believing only the negative bias that have been created around us for decades for many reasons beyond our control, we choose to celebrate this day every year to remind ourselves just how proud we are to be from here ! 

A little info, but how do I enter? There’s also a few rules regarding this specific cat, and a little extra from last years WV batch I made hehe.

There are a few requirements for your first entry, but extras are optional !

If you’re interested in the species, our Lorekeeper is linked with lots of info below as well !

Requirements : This is for +1 Ticket

1. You must be part of the Jellocat Lorekeeper site ! You can sign up here c: Jellocat Lorekeeper!

2. You must share this post in a bulletin, naming it something along the line of WV Day Jellocat Raffle ! It will not be accepted if the naming is skipped or just using a generic name. Please link the bulletin in the comments when completed ! Please tell me your favorite jellocat trait, so I know you at least read the base rules ! Otherwise, your entry will not count until you do so. 

3. Comment to let me know you entered ! Otherwise, I won’t know !

Extras :

- If you would like one of the remaining pets from last years batch,  all you need to do is favorite some of my personal jellocats !  8 is the minimum, which will grant you +1 extra ticket ! I have 48 cats and pets, so if you do all of them you can get an EPIC +6 extra ticket entries ! It’s okay if you have to refav them, as I know some people have already faved them all lol. So by doing at least 8 favs, you can pick a pet from the last batch to join your new friend as well as another ticket !

NOTE : The winner will get 1st dibs, the other remaining pets will be raffled off between everyone who did faving !

- Join our discord ! This is for NEW MEMBERS ONLY. You can get 3 extra tickets for joining our discord, make sure to tell me your username !

- Join our toyhouse world if you haven’t yet ! I’ll be able to see if you left and came back lol, so please be honest. This will grant +2 extra tickets !

If you are an Established Member as in you have been here a while, you can grab +3 tickets just by entering ! I’ll be commenting peoples tickets amount below once they’ve told me everything they’ve done to enter c: I know most of the regulars names are this point, but if I forget please tell me!


- Please only enter if you know you will love this cat or enjoy the species ! I do not want this cat to be traded around , owned by people who don’t care about the cause, or the like. If I feel someone who entered is going to do such things, I will disqualify them myself. There’s very few people I feel would do this, but again this means a lot to me. Once homed, this cat either stays with the owner or comes back to me, there are no exceptions. Since it is a free, raffle cat it cannot be sold anyways, and as the Masterlist mod, I will make sure it stays with me if it ends up being yeeted around. I had to be a hard-ass, but this has happened with a few of my raffle cats in the past, which is fine but not for this cat. Please do understand. 

i can’t wait to see how many people join, I really hope this cat brings in new faces and an awesome home for new jello friends !

Jellocats is a closed species by TaNa-Jo, KrissySempaiArt is the co-founder


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