Oh wow babys first block

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Strix

They probably didnt even read my whole rant about how you shouldnt be a bully rat. Noooo how will you become a better person now 😩😩😩😩😩 Fighting the fash cop mentality one failed interaction at a time



oh idk some rando made a callout for some other rando like "this person did a Wrong when they were 14! 4 years ago!" so i went hey thats not rly a normal or nice thing to do u cant just call people out for something they did in the past and are trying to fix until they actually do something super shitty again and they blocked me so :/ they really did just want to play a moral high ground bully afterall

WHATT THAT SUCKS SO MUCH WHAT, mfs like this are just looking for a reason to ruin a teenagers life and play hero for real 😭

no literally its so weird. like what is the end goal there make them kill themselves to make up for their transgression or like ?? huh? well anyways whatever i guess :| hopefully theyll think about it and reconsider

ITS SO IMMATURE, i hope the 14 yo is ok cause lorddd ☠️.. hopefully they realize that shit is wrong