[Open] Fairyfloss Princess Auction

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by PrinceSawyer

Crossposted from dA; here's my first attempt at ab adopt auction! 

SB: $85
AB1: $120
AB2: $160
MI: $5

This auction will start when someone makes a SB and will run until 48 hours after the last bid has been made.
Of course, anyone can claim the ABs at any point in time prior to this.

AB1 gets their choice of two chibis and an icon or a fullbody and a character icon!
AB2 gets a full front/back reference sheet of the main outfit, as well as a sword/sheath reference, as well as everything mentioned in AB1.

Both ABs will come with a choice of outfit on my chibi base for fantasy adopts.
Additional art can always be negotiated, if so desired! 



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