Update on life + commission openings soon!

Posted 10 months, 29 days ago by Monoshi

Hello everyone! Been a while since I did a proper bulletin lol! Hope everyone's doing well and having fun with artfight if ya'll joined this year :D I'm currently suffering with an animation for artfight right now OTL I always bring upon pain on myself TT. Just wanted to update ya'll on my life and commission openings soon wahoo!

I recently quit my job wooooo!! Fast food service is literal hell and I truly pray for anyone that works full-time there the best fr   Been 2 years since I worked for Burger King and the only person that was keeping me there left at the end of June lmao. That guy was a real one, he kept the store in check as the only closing manager while only being 20. Sucks that they didn't treat him better, but at least they know that he was the best cause now it's all gone down from there waha!! Another coworker put in his 2 weeks on that manager's last week working. It's so funny seeing this place fall to shit! Well, I'm leaving as well and this Sunday is my last day yeaaaa!! They do not pay me enough to suffer in this place! My new job is with a cleaning service so I don't have to deal with any more shitty customers! Hell yeah! And they pay way more than I could ever ask for   So here's to hoping this new job doesn't make me suffer as much, which I'm betting it definitely won't hehe!

Commissions will be opening in August!! I'm currently still setting things up on vgen but everything should be up and open by the end of this month!! I'm just procrastinating....I hate setting commissions up uwegh TT But most prices have been updated and I've also added some new options ;D I'll probably mess around with the pricing a bit more but yea! Hope some people are looking forward to the new stuff   

That's about it! Hope ya'll have a wonderful day/evening/night and ty for listening to my rambles waha!



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Tyyyyy woooo!647107200946405376.webp?size=128&qualityCan't wait to open commissions again with a clear mind and ty for your interest wehe~ 1130221676009902234.gif?size=128&quality

Oh my God glad you got out of fast food service 😭heard so many horror stories abt working there i hope u r ok hfhdhfj 

Congrats on the new job!! I love ur art so i'll look on the future slots 👀

TYTY!! My store wasn't too bad but there were still a lot of crazy things that happened albeit the other stores in our district had it way worse lmao!!

And ty for your interest hehe~926980657207455764.webp?size=128&quality

So proud of you for quitting BK literally fuck food service jobs it's genuinely the worst and they really do pay you fuck all while expecting you to break your back for them 😭 (used to work at IHOP) 


FRRRR and they have the audacity to not hire new hires who're asking more than the minimum wage they give when most places are already understaffed like damn, ya'll suck ass956662309948907540.webp?size=128&quality AND TY WAGH I WILL DO MY BEST!! 1088014675561685082.webp?size=128&qualit