(Another Artfight Bulletin babeeey- Resisting the urge to post an Artfight thread on Forums because I know the Forums are still having many Artfight threads everywhere, don't want to contribute to that-)

So things have been stressful lately and I have found that drawing OCS with pretty simple designs (lack of accessories / patterns / other fine details) can be a really nice way to destress- 

"Victory maybe you should take a break-" Hold up. If I take a break I probably won't be able to beat my 2022 record of 64 Attacks and I am probably going to regret it, I can take a break in August- So drawing simple design OCS (NOT SIMPLE SHAPES- I don't know how I will do with those) is my best bet at a break!

IF YOU HAVE OCS WITH SIMPLE DESIGNS (HUMANS / HUMANOIDS ONLY) DROP YOU'RE PROFILES / LINKS BELOW! I also don't mind if you have more complex OCS in the mix, but primarily wanting simpler design OCS for this Bulletin I swear I am going through the other ones !

As always if you want my Artfight link, here it is below if you want to check me out and possibly Attack! Hope you guys are having a great Artfight this 2023! 




Here’s my profile, all my humanoid characters on artfight, they can all be drawn in simple clothing. I have quite a few simple characters. https://artfight.net/~XenotheRabin/characters

here's my simplest ocs!

https://artfight.net/character/1972632.ayan - Angel lad!
https://artfight.net/character/2508869.d3-sona - Imp/elf like sona
https://artfight.net/character/1972144.andamia - his design is my simplest!
https://artfight.net/character/1972631.tyrse - they can be drawn very simply, their detailed ref isn't necessary to be followed
https://artfight.net/character/2005945.sirona - another angel, this time a lass!
https://artfight.net/character/2086076.nell - gal with a lotta hair and big eye. Her design is simple and also somewhat sketchy.

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most of my ocs are human or humanoid. some demons of mine are to.

I have these two: https://artfight.net/character/2879662.ham and https://artfight.net/character/2879702.andy

plus others if they catch your interest

I think my main oc Inter is pretty simple if you’d like to draw her

Here’s the link to her af profile!


Mimi (https://artfight.net/character/893174.mimi-main-sona) should have a simpler design, if you choose to omit her headband!

idk if youd se her as complex as i dont mind if her kimono belt is plain long as its the right color ;.; XD [though idk if you have any nonhumanoid i can draw in return]

ahhh, i think my red dead ocs are simple? you're free to steal their coats and vests (draw them without em) to make it easier if need be!!

I have quite a few. Feel free to take a look!


Please don't push yourself too hard though!

Feel free to do anyone who fits what you're looking for! (If any do)
