ocs uft..

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by oleaspur

yea as af is nearly over im not rly worried abt trading anyone now -- so im opening up offers on my th again

here are my tags. offers ok on everyone except those tagged treasured, those marked pending, and velutina

  • non-tent : includes designs by bitchwolf, peiiche, snes and similar. mainly looking for resale on those i can accept it on (they will generally be named their usd worth or have it on their profiles)
  • tent : includes designs by koidrop, peiiche, nicooo, clashtsu and similar. looking primarily for character trades (one-offs preferred, cb dainties ok too)
  • very tent : includes designs by pajuxi, nicooo, peiiche, stormzilla, baa, mantispire, qxtten, heartboiledegg and similar. highly tentative with most of these guys, but feel free to ask if you want to gauge how likely i am to trade them, as it varies a lot. i cannot trade velutina - please don't offer on him. looking for character trades, other things ok as add ons only.
  • i also have 2x reg dainty slots im looking for art/oc trades for, and tentatively 1x cb slot (more looking for trades for that though)
  • dainty masterlist links can all be found here
dms / private offers are OK. my design prefs are here. i think thats all!


Is this still open.. 🦐

it is! ^__^

Do you know what you might look at for Allele… I am so Normal about this design (⌒_⌒;)

hmm i dont have anything in particular in mind tbh!! atm im mainly interested in one-offs or other cb dainties though :] i can also accept some usd for them (i paid $255 originally, and have bought a couple more art pieces for them since then), but that's not really a priority and i'd only be interested in it as an add on ^__^b

Eek I can offer you these characters (>﹏<)I can also do $100 as an add on with one or multiple of these? :P Lazarus has a Butchery redesign [>.<] https://toyhou.se/20982603.linux https://toyhou.se/13268135.lazarus https://toyhou.se/23559062.tbn https://toyhou.se/21513173.tbn

some of them are very cute but sadly i wouldnt use any of them more than allele!! tysm for the offer though :]

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i couldnt see anyone id use, but ty for the offer!

Would a full resale + this kibbowle https://toyhou.se/9301802.pan interest you for abberation?

i dont think id use that design but i can think abt resale !!

Sure thing! I can do full resale upfront!

HI so sorry for the delay!! if youre still interested in aberration id be up for reselling em now ^.^

Sweet googly moogly I missed this notification! Would I be able to get a quick hold until the 24th? That's when I get paid and I can do full upfront. I am so sorry I missed this!

no worries, and sure thing, just lmk when you're able to pay! ^.^

Hi! for Epitaph I can offer this Chuchy07 one-off! if the design interests you!

theyre really cool but unfortunately i wouldnt use them more than epitaph rn!! thank you so much though :]


me and my bf are really interested in these two;
https://toyhou.se/20400910.custard https://toyhou.se/19504497.250
we were wondering if you'd consider these as a trade ^^
https://toyhou.se/19684207.cherubie (more tent, but willing) & https://toyhou.se/20242578.elysia
and this dainty owned by him!

https://toyhou.se/13522264.kasen (ML https://darling-dainties.com/dainty/6146b8a4026832476e3ead42)

we'd do all 3, or your choice ^^ thank you for reading regardless of your answer! 🙏

hiya!! the link to cherubie doesnt seem to work im afraid, and just to double-check - is this for both of the designs i own, or just either or? :]

AAH fixed sorry about that ><

for both! we'd love them as a couple :3

sorry for the late reply! i was thinking this over but unfortunately i cant see myself using any of those three more than custard / i could use the usd more rn !! thank you for the offer though :]


I can offer a succubun MYO slot and a peach hellini and scale ale item for this dainty: https://toyhou.se/5827279.-zenith-/gallery

i can consider!! i've already had someone offer a premade bun and myo slot for him though, just fyi ^__^b

No worries! Thank you for considering ^^

Does this Rawroar design interest you? (He recently changed username, you can see it in the stats on his page tho-)

I'm interested in the rare mig slot, or a dainty slot, can add on art as well!

theyre SO cute but unfortunately ive traded both of those slots now, apologies!


are you okay with 3-way trades for dataset? I can hold up the same offer I had before but I understand if you’re unsure still! 

ya 3-ways are ok!! ^__^b

hello there, my sincerest thanks for reading my message !

i have deep interest in the following characters you currently have (placed in order of interest) :

🦋 naiad 🦋 / 🦋 mockingbird 💮🥚 embryonic 🥚 / 🔌 GPU 🔌 / 👻 benti 🎃

and I am willing to offer ✭ ᴀᴢᴀᴢᴇʟ and/or ✭ ᴄɪʀᴄᴇ if that is of interest for you !

aaah those are both really gorgeous designs but unfortunately i wouldnt trade anyone you listed for them!! thank you so much for the offer though ^__^

hi!! im really interested in https://toyhou.se/16867678.mockingbird > https://toyhou.se/20353342.pending > https://toyhou.se/22034396.fluoride > https://toyhou.se/19236524.dataset > https://toyhou.se/4515801.valentino-uft !!!

(i see the nicooo is pending already but figured i could make a backup  offer? idk if ur ok with that or not so im sorry if ur not!!!)

everything i have UFT is here but heres some that fit your prefs !! ^^ can do multis probably

qxtten one off

qxtten one off

koidrop one off

houndeater reg daint

geckos mig with qxtten art

cb myo

theres also these that are usually off lims but i can consider doing one of them depending on who? link

sorry for the super long message LOL

a back-up offer is totally okay!! it's looking like the trade might fall through anyway so ^__^b

in order of who i'm most comfortable trading it's : fluoride > pending nicooo cb (provided the trade falls through) > valentino > mockingbird > dataset (unlikely to trade)

i was mainly interested in https://toyhou.se/21633007.00111111, https://toyhou.se/14426631.desdemona, and your cb slot, but i also kind of liked https://toyhou.se/17814572.ufsuft! i also love https://toyhou.se/16320292.anchor-grug-barnacle-the-iv but i figure you (understandably) wouldn't want to trade him :]

just lmk what you'd be willing to trade and for who and hopefully we can figure something out :D

id be open to trading any except anchor!!! im most tent with desdemona but way less tent with https://toyhou.se/21633007.00111111 and by far the least tent with https://toyhou.se/17814572.ufsuft and the cb slot ^^

do you think you might be open to doing https://toyhou.se/21633007.00111111 + https://toyhou.se/17814572.ufsuft for mockingbird? 

i can think abt it!!! im pretty tent with mockingbird though :]

thats alright! take your time! lemme know if you decide not ^^ or if theres an offer you had for what youd be down to trade for any of the above !