Comments on ocs uft.. All Comments

hi!! im really interested in > > > > !!!

(i see the nicooo is pending already but figured i could make a backup  offer? idk if ur ok with that or not so im sorry if ur not!!!)

everything i have UFT is here but heres some that fit your prefs !! ^^ can do multis probably

qxtten one off

qxtten one off

koidrop one off

houndeater reg daint

geckos mig with qxtten art

cb myo

theres also these that are usually off lims but i can consider doing one of them depending on who? link

sorry for the super long message LOL

a back-up offer is totally okay!! it's looking like the trade might fall through anyway so ^__^b

in order of who i'm most comfortable trading it's : fluoride > pending nicooo cb (provided the trade falls through) > valentino > mockingbird > dataset (unlikely to trade)

i was mainly interested in,, and your cb slot, but i also kind of liked! i also love but i figure you (understandably) wouldn't want to trade him :]

just lmk what you'd be willing to trade and for who and hopefully we can figure something out :D

id be open to trading any except anchor!!! im most tent with desdemona but way less tent with and by far the least tent with and the cb slot ^^

do you think you might be open to doing + for mockingbird? 

i can think abt it!!! im pretty tent with mockingbird though :]

thats alright! take your time! lemme know if you decide not ^^ or if theres an offer you had for what youd be down to trade for any of the above !