August 2023 Updates

Posted 9 months, 5 days ago by Tekishozen_Admin

Hello Hello Tekifolk! I'm coming to you live with our August updates. Not a whole lot this time, but some important notes!

1. Faction "Dailies" will be coming soon! These extremely small mini-quests can be used to raise influence with your faction while earning Koin and will be repeatable up to a certain point. Are there any small art or writing related tasks that you all would be interested in doing or seeing? Two that will be added, for example, are filling out character profiles, and drawing emoji of your characters.

2. Our mod Riddles will be stepping down from the team. She's gotten busy with IRL things she'd like to focus on! She will be staying on as a Guest Artist, so not leaving entirely. Thank you for all your contributions, especially with the Tatsuai development and launch Riddle! You're welcome back as a mod any time. 

3. Our adopt set this month will be themed after Birthstones, and will be varying set prices! Please keep an eye out for that later in the month.

4. D̵̪͐o̶̲̚n̴̜͠'̵̲́ṯ̴͛ ̷̣́w̷̘͌o̷̦͝r̶̓ͅr̸̙̀y̶̟͆ ̵̼̋ ̸̟͑ ̷̺̑a̵̪͊b̶̺̃ő̶̱u̶̦̅t̴̨̓ ̴͍̊t̵̝̀h̶͎̆e̶̠̽ ̸̫̚ ̵̱̾ ̶̡̌ ̵͎̈́ ̴͓̈ ̷̩̂ ̶̭͝ ̴̪̂ ̶͍̄ ̶̭̾ ̸̯͛c̵̞̃h̷̫̓a̸͇̚n̸̤͝g̴̣̊e̴͓̅s̴̺͗ ̶̼̓ỉ̶̜n̷͙͝ ̶̣̔Ḿ̸͉ỉ̵͓r̷͇̎a̴̝͒b̸̙̚a̵̠͌s̴͔͂h̸̞́ǭ̵.̴̙̈́.̵̠̃.̷̝͗ Huh... weird, I didn't have a fourth note. And what's that glitch? It won't go away! Oh well, I'm sure it's nothing. 


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