Giving/trading characters

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by Xiorri

Hi, I hope I'm doing this right ahhah-

I have two characters I've decided to trade as I've never really used them and sadly, I don't really plan to. There is some extra art for one of them and you can find their creators on their profiles:

I'm mainly looking for female characters but male ocs are fine too! Art offers are also welcome! 

(In case I don't get any trade offers I'll give them away for free (just write why you want them and I'll consider it!)) 


Wahh, they're both super cute! I hope they go to good homes :0

I don't have any characters uft right now, but I'd be willing to offer art for the first character. But I completely understand if you're looking for characters instead! :D

Yesss I'll accept your cute art offer! (if you're still interested, that is) uwu Is this oc fine?

Yes, I'd love to draw Hina! She's so cute :0 I'll start asap ^^

Take your time and thanks for offering! <33

I sent a note on dA regarding the art payment! ^^

I've sent transfer request~ (tell me if you've received anything as I'm still new to this so I'm still trying to figure out how things work ^^') 

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