Sorry for the fursonas XD

Posted 9 months, 11 days ago by drabunwolfcat

But also not really sorry, just a bulletin to say I’ve had a lot of fursona ideas and so excited to express them lately x3 I’m not sure if there’s a “limit” to how many I can make for myself but I’m happy to express myself in many characters cause it makes me happy :3 

How many fursonas do you guys have? Feel free to share if you like, just having fun expressing myself over here x3c 


DONT APOLOGIZE it's so delightful and inspiring. Also there's no limit??? As many as you want/need !!

Awww gosh I know I shouldn’t apologize just a habit XD but that’s so sweet omg!! You’re honestly an inspiration to me as well so I’m very  touched :’3 I just love making little guys what can I say!!

It's okay. Your fursonas all look pretty awesome. ^^

Aww thank you! ^w^

^^ Np. 👍