I meant to make this like earlier in the month but in usual Gene fashion I kept forgetting to do so...but yeah!

Just wanted to say, however late it is, that this year's AF was a blast and I'm glad I could participate in it. I'm very grateful for all the awesome attacks ppl sent me, though I'm just a bit sad I can't draw as much as I wanted to ;u; because yet Again my hand started to hurt (plus vacation time meant some time that I can't draw at all). Kind of worried that the hand pain is starting to become a thing, and I've been hoping to get that checked out for a while now. I dunno if I'll enter the next AF, i'll see what it'll be like when the day comes.

I've thought about making some late revenge/fanart stuff for some people I wanted to attack but couldn't, which I'm still planning to do--I've done One art so far and I've got a couple of more people in mind (though this isn't a promise I'll get to Everyone, just a few! Sorry!!) I was ALSO planning on opening some comms this month...

However my attention has been very much focused into working on my NEOCITIES again, which has gone through a lot of changes since last time--MAINLY a whole layout overhaul and the ability to change themes!! which is very neat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've also found a great template for a lightbox gallery thing, which basically lets me create responsive galleries like THIS one --> https://icecreampizzer.neocities.org/art/featured !! Definitely a lot easier to work with compared to the previous one (though there are some odd scrolling bits when viewed on mobile...I'll get to that eventually)

But yeah major layout stuff and reorganizing of things did take up a lot of my time... Which also includes a major layout change for the THEREFORE I AM bits of the site, NEW AND IMPROVED!! ALSO comes with a dark/light mode thing --> https://icecreampizzer.neocities.org/tia I'm really proud of this one, so far the cast and misc sections are updated, as well as Dr. Sunshine's and Capcot's pages!! Though they're not filled up yet, these two made for a perfect pair of guinea pigs for me to test out the style I wanted to achieve. Soon the other characters with pages will be updated as well, but I may slow it down for a few days because. WUGH that's a lot of work. may or may not be planning to update LOATM's layout as well.. Though I don't remember in what state the LOATM bits were in when I first posted about my neocities, so hey feel free to check that out as well! --> https://icecreampizzer.neocities.org/loatm

Despite the few weeks in between today and when I go back to school again, I might still open comms...I'll see if it does and I'll announce maybe a few days/a week before opening maybe?? Tho btw I want to finish some of my owed art first (feel free to reach out to me if I haven't kept in touch with you since last month for a trade, it's likely that I've forgotten about it sorry ;u;)

Anyways. TL;DR hand hurty uh AF was neat, wanted to make more art but I got distracted by neocities lmao! Mayb comms may open, maybe it won't, owed art will be delivered soon-ish and fanart is still gonna be a thing. though god knows when I'll be able to do them so apologies)


idk what physical therapy is like over there and how accessible it is, but I can't stress enough how much my physical therapist has helped make my hand mobile again! She gave me little exercises that felt so useless and counterproductive at first, but I could already feel improvement after a week of doing them. And like, as she worked with me, my mobility got better and better! I can't recommend it enough!

If the place you want to go has a hand specialist, I also highly recommend trying to get an appointment with that person! I mean it sounds obvious but because I'm still young they didn't give me an appointment with the hand specialist at first. It was only when I stayed persistent and asked I got my appointment with her

OH that's really interesting!! I do wanna look into physical therapy soon enough, I've been complaining about my hand to my family for a long time now DSKJFHS but yeah thanks for the tips!! :3c

oh your site rocks, I loved seeing how it evolves over time!! Do you have a link to how to make a lightbox gallery btw? I really like the format of that and was thinking I might do something similar for my art gallery site as well :o

Thank you so so much!! Gotta love how your site's growing too, super love your style :D and yeah I do!! It's in my 'links' page but here's the direct link for it! https://github.com/midzer/tobii you can upload the css and js files directly to neocities so you can just link those in your pages :] it's basically a premade framework, so not exactly "from the ground up", tho you can tinker with it however you like :D

the downloaded zip from the link also contains the demo html page so you can see how it works - to achieve the image + longer captions lightbox content, follow the 'inline html' example in the demo! It's what I mainly use and you can do anything possible in html to fit in that lightbox hehe


The different themes!!!! Oh my gosh that’s such a cool feature!!! And the spacing throughout and overall design just looks so neat and clean!!

I love how each story has an individual unique page!! AND THE ART GALLERY IS SO AWESOME!!!

AND ITS MOBLIE FRIENDLY (mobile friendly sites are the best sites!!!!) 

AHH thank you so so much!! Really glad you like them, I had a blast building them all and seeing how they form >:] AND YA i'm really glad that the snippet I used from the Internets work so well?!? bless the og creators ...


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thank you so much!! I'm very honored ;u; but yeah took me a lot of trial-and-error and blorbo rotations. and lots n lots of practice

THIS WEBSITE IS SO AWESOME AND COOL? i always associate you with those blue/ yellow tones now.. SO SICK! 

also for the last part of the bulletin.. i dont actually remember when the last time i checked in about the art was but im still happy for u to take ur time or cancel if u need to :3

THANKS YOU SO MUCH WAA !!! glad the blue/yellows are one of my Thangs now I love my blues n yellows >:]

ALSO yah I think we talked abt changing stuff last month, thank you so much for understanding !! I do wanna get da fella so I'll have it delivered soon enough :3c