How dis you go about it? Any advice or tips? The relationship with my mom/grams continues to get more strenuous and abusive though no longer physical. I'm sorta at a breaking point here and just need advice on what to do and look into for moving out


honestly 5 months after meeting n 4 dating my partner we kinda did it on a whim? we just picked october as the ultimatum to move out. after being at our respective temporary living spaces w family for a few years, we knew we wanted to get away and be independent finally

the absolute most important thing that helped us get out and stay afloat was save, save, SAVE money as best you can especially for a safety net in case of smth coming up you weren't expecting. next thing for securing a place to rent is PLEASE do your best to research landlords who you might consider to rent from. our first one seemed nice but then we found out after he died that he scammed us with the security deposit :') so we never got that $1.2/1.3k back but we know now for the future

i would also strongly suggest getting a friend or two, at least one other roommate of some kind to move out with. for financial and mental health/emotional reasons of course, but also so you have a much easier time finding a place to rent. do your best to research the area you're moving into if you don't know much

have a set budget when you know the rough estimate for the monthly income. it might be tedious to keep up i know, but get a notebook and keep it along with your other important personal documents and records so you never have to guess what $$ you'll have or have to set aside for bills, groceries, pet supplies, etc

look into what kind of social services are available in your area. some can even help you secure safer and more affordable housing. check reviews on these services however some are dodgy and pretend to do more than they say

going off that though, most experiences we've had with food banks around here have been good when we rlly needed it a few months back, so don't be afraid or feel ashamed to go to any food banks or free resources like for toiletries, clothes, etc

Sadly the waitlist for our local housing thing is estimated to be 5-6 years which sucks because I'm severely low income, I only make $734 from disability ;n; but I'm asking local peeps if anyone knows of any alternative I haven't heard about for sure! I had thought about moving in with a roommate, sadly I don't really have much friends left from my school days and most of them already have a place of their own for their families they built or a partner. 

Sorry to hear you got scammed by that person that's awful! I've been trying to save but I literally can't Dx my bank is still at a constant overdraft state oof. Though it has gotten to be slightly less debt thankfully so I'm working on it! Hopefully then I can start saving up something.

As for food banks I currently get food stamps so I'm not sure I'm allowed to go? Even when it doesn't last me the whole rest of the month like I'd like it to most the time Dx 

Thank you for this advice! I'm going to see if I can find any housing stuff locally in our group pages

if it gives you any hope i met my partner on a whim too, i think you'll come across a person or two you might rlly relate to and hit it off with, i'd suggest trying to go out to hobby type stuff you like, i met them at a video game lounge/card shop one day so eueueue i believe in u!

i also believe you can still go to food banks, the times we've been to one i've never heard any discriminating or anything whether you get food stamps or not, cause sometimes it just isn't enough esp w food getting more expensive

you're welcome i wish you luck!!!

Thank you! And I'll try out the food bank c: maybe they'll have gluten free stuff I hope. 

As for meeting someone my town is very small, or well it used to be and still is size wise besides the population having blown up towards 20k, Most the activity stuff is in the towns around us or big ol Seattle, which I don't know how to drive still in general to tackle that XD no one's taught me and I can't afford classes cri