"What's Next"? (08/30/23)

Posted 9 months, 25 days ago by TechyCatArtist

This past Monday was the first day of my Fall 2023 semester. Though I am only taking two courses this semester (plus the responsibility of being a professor's "research assistant"), it does mean that school is my top priority for the next few months. While I will continue posting park photography and coaster reviews during this time, what else can you expect to see from me?

In Terms of My Art: As part of Coastermaynia 2023, I released two drawings based on their prompts; Nitro (Day 27) and High Speed Thrill Coaster (Day 31, "Your Choice"). Additionally, I created "Rollerswitched!", a spin-off/spiritual successor to my "Alternate Universe" series from earlier this yearTo start off this "Role-Swap AU", I released a pair of drawings; one where Phoenix has taken Twister's role and vice versa (with both accompanied by a short story/personality blurb). In the coming weeks, I intend to release the second pair of drawings for the "Rollerswitched!" series that feature "role-swaps" of Kingda Ka. Of course, I also intend to put out a Halloween-related drawing in time for that holiday. Finally, I'd like to create a drawing commemorating Steel Vengeance's 5th Anniversary if time/motivation permits, released (ideally) by the end of this year. Outside of that, I'll just have to wait for inspiration to strike. 

In Terms of My Stories: Over the summer, I continued to create short-form stories on my Tumblr (which can be found in the "techystory" tag) based on whatever inspired me that particular day or as a follow-up to a previous story. As for any future stories, it's likely there will be more short-form stories posted in the coming months. In terms of long-form stories a la "Red-Tagged" and the most recent installment of my "Winter Chill Out" series, I don't have any plans regarding those for the foreseeable future. 

That's all for now; the next bulletin will be put out at the end of my Fall 2023 semester. 



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