Urgent Donation-Based Adopts

Posted 9 months, 11 hours ago by Witchin

*claps hands together* SO-- the other day I was scammed out of just over $5,000. I won't go into the details because it's a WHOLE-ass thing, but I can't get my money back because of how sneaky and manipulative they were and I'm not looking for advice; but I'm terrified and really need financial help right now, so I'm letting people offer on ALL of my characters on this (my main) account.

I'm gonna go ahead and say sonas, trainers, and NPC's are probably off-limits but honestly I can't be picky right now. A lot of my babies are high-quality and as long as they go to a good home, I'll be happy. Feel free to note me offers in private and I'll consider them!

I'm going to be asking that payments are sent through friends/family this time, just because I'm trying to recover my stolen money ;o; All will be sent here

IF for some reason people wanna donate without offering, PLEASE link a character so I can draw them for you!! ;o; <3

And of course, there are always the clearance babies that are still up for grabs:

https://www.deviantart.com/witchin/art/Cheap-Adopt-Clearance-Batch-982191427 / anyone over at Witchin !

Thank you so much in advance <3


hi there! could you possibly give me price points for these characters? i adore them shooo much and would like to purchase/save up 🙏🙏

Absolutely!! Tysm for your interest! <3

Alexa is OTA atm! I'd accept anywhere from $60-$90 for her~

The Clovertail is only $35 because they're on clearance atm! You just gotta be a member of the group to adopt or be part of the world here on TH~  ^^

oo sounds good!! i will definitely try to come back for at least the clovertail :0 no need to hold, if someone else claims either of them thats 100 percent okay 🙏

Awesome np thank you, just hum when you wanna grab them!! I could do lower on Alexa too feel free to offer if you want ~ ^^

hi there! i would absolutely love to nab the clovertail now if thats alright with you :D i dont have an active deviantart, so ill join the toyhouse world. i dont want to lowball on alexa so ill try to get enough cash to offer what youre looking for for her!

Hi!!! Oh sweet that's totally fine, thank you so much! The TH world is completely valid for membership <3 Whenever you're ready, please send via friends/family with a note saying "donation" here and I'll send them right over! Also I'm totally okay with taking $40-50 for Alexa since you're getting the Clovie ^^

4 Replies

Oh goodness that is freaking awful!! Looking in the comments, that is so so freaking scummy Holy shit. I kno they won't feel guilty but I hope they get what's coming! It's absolutely disgusting how people like them are abusing the good people of the TCG community.

I did donate some monies that I had lying around! I don't wanna pressure you too much to get it done but whenever you feel you can or want to, I have my bab Kuchen if you wanna doodle her! I also commed you on dA for 2 pokemon fusion Customs so please take your time!! Don't rush yourself or push yourself!!

Oooo thank you SO much!!! That means the world!! ;o; <3 I'll definitely draw that little cutie omf she's so precious <3 I'm almost done with the first batch of 8 fusions, so happy to draw your little bean in between batches! ^^ thanks again!! <3

oh no, I'm so sorry to hear!! As someone who's done a good amount of buying/selling/trading of Pokemon cards myself, it's pretty crazy how many scammers there are in the Pokemon card community. I don't have any sealed vintage, but I do have a fair collection of cards! I am interested in https://toyhou.se/14481382.alibi-3155 and would be willing to trade characters, cards, and money for them. Either way, I hope you are able to get your money back one way or another :c

Thank you for saying that <3 and yeah you just can't trust anybody ;w; So Alibi is a special case, it's a group-exclusive pre-evolution for Absol, would you happen to be part of the SunnyLand group on dA or did you have other plans for them? Because technically I can't transfer SL-exclusives out of the group, but I'll see what you have in mind <3

yes, I am a part of the Sunnyland group! I haven't been active really, but I am also in the discord server as well. Just let me know, and if you'd like, I can send some pics of the card collection I have and see if there are any you're interested in!

Awesome, then we're good! Unless it's mostly vintage it might be a combo, but feel free to send them over and I'll take a look~ ty! <3

Would you be able to give any hints as to what happened? If they were that sneaky I get scared myself and others may fall into a similar trap But regardless on the I'm SUPER sorry that happened to you - absolutely awful and heartless ;; <3 Wishing you the best of luck recuperating <3333

Aaaa thank you Rilin <3 yeah I can say a little bit, basically I thought I was obtaining my dream collection of vintage sealed Pokemon cards from someone in NY and I only paid 1/3 of what I owed up front, they were very sneaky with guilting me into sending un-insured money with a sob story about his family. I'm just too nice and gullible >v>;;

UGHHH that's so crappy of them, I'm so sorry it happened, and that someone took advantage of your kindness like that, that's beyond scummy ;; I truly hope you achieve your dream collection one day!!!!!

Thank you so much friend!! <3 ;o;

Hi there! I am very interested in Eggy! I don't know if they're an npc or not, so no worries if they're not for sale!

That all being, I am so SO sorry this happened to you, that's so scary. ;___; And I hope you can make some or all of it back soon!

Thank you so much, people have been so kind to me with helping ;o; <3

And yes I could let go of Eggy! Feel free to make an offer and I'll consider it~

Of course, and I'm so glad people are reaching out!! 

As for a price, I'm not actually sure to what to offer. I just don't wanna lowball you, so if you can, a rough estimate of how much you'd like instead would be rad! ;; Apologies! <3

No problem at all!! I'd say $25-$30 for the bean if you're down?

Absolutely! I could do 30 definitely! :D

Thank you so much!! <3  Whenever you're ready, please send via friends/family with a note saying "donation" here and I'll send them right over!

4 Replies