Comments on Urgent Donation-Based Adopts All Comments

Hi there! I am very interested in Eggy! I don't know if they're an npc or not, so no worries if they're not for sale!

That all being, I am so SO sorry this happened to you, that's so scary. ;___; And I hope you can make some or all of it back soon!

Thank you so much, people have been so kind to me with helping ;o; <3

And yes I could let go of Eggy! Feel free to make an offer and I'll consider it~

Of course, and I'm so glad people are reaching out!! 

As for a price, I'm not actually sure to what to offer. I just don't wanna lowball you, so if you can, a rough estimate of how much you'd like instead would be rad! ;; Apologies! <3

No problem at all!! I'd say $25-$30 for the bean if you're down?

Absolutely! I could do 30 definitely! :D

Thank you so much!! <3  Whenever you're ready, please send via friends/family with a note saying "donation" here and I'll send them right over!

4 Replies