\\*** Free Art Raffle ***//

Posted 8 months, 14 days ago by flickermouse

(cross-posted to Deviant Art as well)

Okay, so its closer to autumn now than summer (technically we're IN metereological autumn as of 1st September, but its not autumn for me until we hit the equinox 🍁🍂). 

This is prob not even a 'update' in the true sense of the word, but it IS something that I usually do when I open comms but didn't attach to a previous bulletin, which is an art raffle. I would usually tie it to the deadline for comms and ask folks to share the link, etc. As my comms are currently set to 'rolling', I don't have any fixed deadlines or special dates coming up...or do I?


  At the end of October is my graduation ceremony for my MA  

I can totally appreciate that this is not a big thing to celebrate for some folk, and some might even say 'its just a piece of paper.' Whether I'm at the ceremony or not, I still get my qualification, I still get my 'piece of paper'. But it represents something pretty big for me. 

= I was not sure I'd ever get here =

Between the cost of doing an MA, other personal circumstances, and then a new long-term health condition to manage, doing something like this felt so very, very out of reach.  When a small but tangible chance came along, I took it. It meant all kinds of upheaval. All kinds of sacrifice as well. But I did it. I threw all of me and myself into the course. Probably because I'll never be in this position again.

So I'm going to squeeze as much out of these last remnants of an incredible academic year.  The MA has done what I wanted - and needed it - to do. I have more skills. More experience. I have a renewed energy for my work like never before, I want to keep making things and sharing them, I want to make people smile and laugh and everything in between. And if thats not something to celebrate...then I don't know what is 🌟

+++++++ART RAFFLE+++++++


Onto the actually interesting bit, lol    Super simple to enter, absolutely no special requirements at all. Just post a reply below, saying something like 'I'd like to enter the art raffle please' and you're all set  You have until 23:59 on 27 October 2023 GMT to enter.

I'm going to try and make the prize pool as big as I can handle, currently stands at:

  • 3x cartoon pagedolls or icons or sketch-sheets
  • 2x full body, no BG character pieces or portraits
  • 1x big ol' scenic piece

Winners can pick from the prize pool until they're all gone. Will I add more prizes? Potentially, it will depend a little on workload at the end of October but I will offer as much as I can  

Can you get more entries? You sure can. Share the art raffle in other places (DA status, TH bulletin, a tweet, etc), post the link/proof when you comment and you'll get an extra ticket for each place you've posted.

==If you've already entered via DeviantArt, you can't enter again here on TH, and vice-versa. You can still link to DA journals or TH bulletins as part of your extra tickets, but please only ENTER the raffle in one place. Thank you.==

If you've got any general questions or comments, reply directly to this journal so I can keep the art raffle entries tidy   


 And there you have it, the art raffle is open  For all of you who have followed me for the past year, who have said lovely things on my early animation and concepts, and for putting up with me waffling on about things, lol...

  Thank You    



All entries up to this one are valid :3 I'll get ticket numbers assigned across both TH and DA and do the rolling over the weekend <3 

Everytime I read this bulletin it just makes me so happy for you.  I also lose it often, but it never fails to make me happy for what you have done.  Congrats!  And I hope you have fun going ahead.

If I'm not too late, I would like to enter the raffle as well

Apologies for the delay, I rolled the raffle winners today. You didn't win one of the main prizes BUT everyone gets a pagedoll / sketch-sheet / £20-$25 Voucher as runner-up ^w^ The details can be seen in full as a comment on my DA journal - https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/981279514/5098579379 - but if you have any questions, just hit me up on TH or Discord :3

Thank you again for your lovely comments and for entering :D

Congratulations on your graduation coming up! I hope its a fun day to remember 

I would like to enter!

Apologies for the delay, I rolled the raffle winners today. You didn't win one of the main prizes BUT everyone gets a pagedoll / sketch-sheet / £20-$25 Voucher as runner-up ^w^ The details can be seen in full as a comment on my DA journal - https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/981279514/5098579379 - but if you have any questions, just hit me up on TH or Discord :3

It was a fab ceremony, very sparkly. And with live music too, was not expecting that! Thank you again for entering :D

omg that is so generous of you!!! thank you <3<3 I will def be in your discord dms soon for a page doll!
and I am so happy to hear it went so nicely!! a time to cherish <3

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Hi! I'll send a message via Discord as well, just in case you miss this on TH.

CONGRATULATIONS! I rolled the art raffle winners today and you won a Half-body or Portrait comm! There are more details on my DA post - https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/981279514/5098579379 - but if you have any questions, just hit me up via TH or Discord :D

Thank you again for entering the raffle :D