Giving away all the adopts.

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by Moonlight-Selkie

 I have a lot of adopt and I just want them gone.

all of the adopts are of this CS

any thing in this folder is part of this:

they are free, all you need to do is comment on the ones you want.

BUT I will only be allowing 5 per person.


ok, what liquid types and flavor do you want them to have, or do you want me to pick.

galaxinamoonstone you can pick ^^ 

ok, i'll get it done and then get the transfer request sorted. 

ok, what liquid types and flavor do you want each one to have, or do you want me to pick.

I am not sure you pick

ok, I'll get them sorted out and then transfer them to you.

Thank you

ok, what liquid type and flavor would you like for the P-A-L adopt to have or would you like me to pick?

How about the quantum option in the "unclassified type" section?