sad :(

Posted 1 year, 16 hours ago by Abandon3dRain

my doby has wobblers (aka his neck bones are compressing together and affecting his spine so hes very wobbly, area is inflamed and hes in pain) but the vet wanted to charge an exam fee 0f $200 just to prescribe the $30 anti inflamatory meds aaaaAAAaaa hoping these other pain meds and cbd helps instead that we got at our local pet shop for free from the amazing kind and generous owner. today he's having a particularly hard day, poor Sunny (my dogs name) 


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I hope so too! He was okay the last 2 days but today seemed to be a particularly painful one for him

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Thank you dsa c:

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For sure! Today he seems to be in less pain but he’s still not wanting to walk :( we’ve been using his harness to hold him up and get him moving into the yard to do his business it’s rough, he seems very sad 

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I hope so 🥹 

We gotta consider his quality of life if it doesn’t improve we may have to put him down :( he’s 11 years old so he’s pretty up there for a doberman

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Thank you ;v;