October 2023 Update

Posted 8 months, 2 days ago by TheShadowRai

Sorry for the lack of activity on all platforms! College has been eating up a lot of my time and energy. I didn't expect my workload to be this heavy for the first half of the semester, but it should hopefully ease up a bit for the second half! (Keyword: hopefully XD)

In the meantime, I've been writing down new ideas for OCs and lore, as well as doing some very minor edits to character bios + folders! I didn't like how the old bio template didn't have as much space, so I switched to using a very similar one. All I did was remove the mood board section since I don't really use mood boards. (They're both from the same pack btw! I got them here if you're interested!)

I decided to organize my folders differently than how I initially planned. Rather than sort everyone by location, I'll be doing it this way:
- Stories (this includes comics, ask blog ideas, and anything else that has a plot.)
- Teams (rescue, exploration, rogue, research, etc. Basically any PMD teams go here.)
- Citizens (Pokemon who don't belong to a team. They're just out here living their best lives.)
- Legendaries (the deities of the Pokemon world. I'll be sorting them by role.)

Characters in stories often fit into at least one other category, so if you want to see a full list that includes them, you'll have to refer to their tags. (For example, Marshie is a Legendary, but he's also a character in a story, so he won't appear in the Legendary folder. He does, however, have the "Legendary" tag. You'll have to search through the Legendary tag if you want to see him included with the other Legendaries.)

I plan to eventually add a page detailing all of the lore and worldbuilding of my PokeVerse! I figured it would be easier to keep it all in one place rather than having someone search through my tumblr ramblings LOL. (Don't worry, I'll still ramble on tumblr! This is just for the purpose of organization.)

Okay that's all for now! Just thought I'd provide a small update. I like writing these little update logs ^v^


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