Good morning/afternoon/night, everyone! Today I bring you some news on Adoptfest and on the mascot name decision.

About Adoptfest

For those who don't know what Adoptfest is, it is an event on the project where you're free to adopt an oc from the Express Orphanage without needing to donate other ocs first/without needing Train Tickets. It would happen for a limited time, only for us to downsize a little bit before accepting more ocs into the train.

I've thought about this for a while, and I think 600 ocs in the shelter would be good for us to start with and see if it works out. We already have 530 ocs, when we reach 600 I will set up the Adoptfest to make a test. Each person will only be able to adopt 3 ocs, so please think carefully about which ocs you would like to take!

About the mascot

Someone suggested the names Gumdrop and Peppermint for our little mascot, and I couldn't decide between these two. I liked Gumdrop mainly because it sounds sweet, but I also liked Peppermint because it reminded me of the colors red and white. So why not match these two?

Everyone, welcome Gumdrop Peppermint as our train mascot! Find more info about them in their profile, thank you for all the name suggestions! 

Thank you for your attention, have a nice day!


:0 That was me! I suggested a bunch of candy names! I helpped! Hoorayyyyy!

Also can't wait to see what Adoptfest looks like!

Adorable name!