Posted 7 months, 11 days ago by astxr

Interest check!

13 Votes I would participate!
5 Votes I wouldn't participate, but I think it's a good idea.

Do you want to participate in team games, all while having fun and competing for prizes? So I present to you Trail Games, a monthly event within Express Orphanage to keep the project active!

"How would it work?"

At a Discord server made for the Express Orphanage, 30 people divided into 3 teams (10 people each) would play some games like "Broken Telephone", "Guessing", "Testing Knowledge" and such. The event would last 7 days, 1 game per day. All games would work through ToyHouse or Discord itself.

"Could I invite some friends to be on my team?"

Absolutely! However, these friends MUST get invited to the ToyHouse world and accept the request.

"What are the prizes?"

Each person of the winner team would get 5 Train Tickets without needing to donate anything. They also may win art and money, however, If one of the prizes really is money, it would be something raised communally. I could create a Ko-fi to collect donations, where all the money raised would be used only for the project (like the prizes for this event). I could also try to sell commissions and work to raise more, but I don't guarantee that I will achieve much this way. :")

"How could I apply to participate? When would it happen?"

This and other info are gonna be added on another thread if we get enough votes on this thread you're reading right now!

Thank you for your attention. ^^


There is a Discord server?

Not yet! I'm gonna create one when this event is close ^^

This sounds interesting

This is a good concept but how would it work with time zones?

That's what I'm thinking! Now, for example, would be a good time for me and I believe most people would be available now since it's when ToyHouse has most active users :')

I would recommend doing similar events to this but in different time zones down the road. 

Or even host them for a couple of Friday and Saturday nights, I would imagine a lot of people would be able to stay up to participate those days.