$16 chibis OPEN

Posted 7 months, 29 days ago by korovce

TL;DR if you have been reading my bulletins you will know... I have been having some health issues. Rest assured I am at least up & alert (for the most part) again, so I can comfortably take on some commissions. They will be a little simpler than usual this time, and as always I'll just take on a few slots to start so they hopefully don't take too long!9mTxL5Np_o.png

Doing chibis for now! Different, smaller, squishier style than usual. Aiming for a turnaround time of 2-3 weeks max. Minimal/no WIPs but small revisions are available after completion (color correction, adding a marking I missed, etc - no big redraws). Note that these are done on a small canvas - about 300 x 500 pixels for a single character though it may be a bit bigger depending on character/pose/etc.

$16 for one / $30 for a couple/interaction, 3 slots. Limit of 2 characters/chibis per slot right now please. :) I am fine with couple/interaction art and I can draw fanart (there are some fandoms or characters I would prefer not to draw but I will not be rude if you ask about anything you're not sure of, most things should be fine)! 

Payment through Paypal or my ko-fi. Please see my regular commissions carrd for TOS and other art samples! https://korovce.carrd.co/#tos

You can comment, PM/DM, or send me a message on ko-fi if you are interested in a slot! Running a character/idea by my first is much preferred before you purchase a slot (if I publicly activate them on ko-fi). Again, I won't be rude and I try not to be picky but I just want to make sure I can draw your idea! Thank you!

+ if I don't get back to you right away I will get to it within 24 hours! Resting my wrist today and also I am posting this at... 2 am on a Monday. So yeah. Apologies for any bumps later on :")

*** Please note: I try to maintain a character's key features, body shape, etc when drawing - but due to the limitations of this style, they may look rounder or have some parts simplified or omitted for visual clarity. It's cutesy. I don't mind drawing big men even, I love old men... but bear it in mind. They will look cute!!


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