[URGENT] update!

Posted 6 months, 15 days ago by tomogotchi


UPDATE: we've raised about 20% of the losses total!!! (ko-fi +trakteer)
the influx of support was something i never could have imagined, thank you all for your help in donating and sharing!!!
the money can safely support us for about this month and maybe roll over into the next month, i'm so very grateful...!
my commissions will still open november to hopefully pay off the entire loss before new years! a waitlist has opened, so if you're interested in being added, please dm me! i will be taking at most 10 slots for the month!

yes, you read that right. :') due to some circumstances [that i'll elaborate under the spoiler below], our savings of around 4k USD [50+ million IDR] is lost. i never want to make bulletins like this often, if ever, but the situation is so stressful to me and my family, i worry that it'll have catastrophic effects to my elderly parents' health. it's with great shame that i have to ask for help online like this through donations and not commissions, but i wish to deliver the best pieces within my physical abilities and don't want to produce half-assed rushed art...

i don't expect the entire 4k to be reached, but donations are greatly appreciated to help with our daily expenses...!

also, commissions will be open early november once more, after i finish this current queue of commissions and guest artist work! i have a pinglist bulletin here, and you can ask to be added to the list to be notified when they are open!

IDR donations can be sent to my Trakteer account!
USD donations can be sent to 
my Ko-Fi!

any and all donations and shares are greatly appreciated,,,!!

additional context (such as how this happened) can be found in the spoiler below.
slight cw for mentions of suicidal tendencies

hi ok so this is candid tomo speaking

the story is that my mother got scammed. in an attempt to earn money to pay off the loans we have in order to live in our beloved capitol Jakarta, she tried a side gig that claimed it could double or triple the investment she gave. it had the modus operandi of giving people "work accounts" that hold their money. you invest money, the display in your work account displays a bigger number (double or triple), and you try to withdraw it... only to be told by the admin that you made a mistake and now your account is locked. to unlock it, you have to pay more.

in total, we've lost around Rp. 65.000.000, or roughly USD 4000. my mother is in her 50s and isn't savvy to online scamming methods, and she's very, very distressed with the situation. she works outside of Jakarta, so we aren't able to be there for her, and she's been having dark thoughts because of this situation. my father also is unemployed, which means my mother and i are the sole breadwinners of the household. she pays for rent and other bills, whilst i pay for our gas and food. my sister is a full time design student and can't look for work, and my youngest brother is only 12.

i feel shame in having to air out my situation like this, but living costs and wages truly do not align here in Jakarta, and this incident truly is a big hole in our livelihoods.

thank you for reading, i will do my best to finish my queue and open commissions soon! if you've donated or shared this, i'm forever grateful to you and pray for your health and wellbeing. thank you.


Bump! your art is amazing, hoping things get better for you!

hi tomo,,, i'm so sorry this happened to you and your family,,, it's not alot, but i've donated to ur trakteer via mars' acc. i hope u can recover the lost funds soon;; 

aaaa clonk,,,, thank you so much, you and mars have helped plenty...! no words can express my gratitude, thank you two so much,,, ;;;

I'm so sorry this happen to all of you and I hope everything will be okay with your mother. I can't donate at the moment but I have shared your bulletin in an effort to help

thank you for your kind words...! the share does mean a lot, thank you!

Oh my god, I’m so sorry this happened to your mother 😭 I wish you guys the best and I’ll share your bulletin 🥺💕

thank you very much!! ;;; every share truly does make a difference, im grateful for your help..!!

im so sorry to hear this happened to you and your family, and I am sincerely hoping your mother is alright -- i hope you can regain a good portion of the lost funds very soon ;;

we've been contacting her on the daily to make sure she knows she isn't alone, and thankfully it seems to be working... thank you again for the kind words, we'll slowly be working through this and hopefully will be able to take legal action sometime soon,,,!

my heart goes out to you and your family, genuinely wishing you the best! 

thank you so much,, it truly means the world! im sure we can slowly get through this ;;

#My mother has also been scammed by something like this a few months ago. She only lost around 300€ tho. Her ex boyfriend lost around 200€. Those scams are currently really crazy. I am so sorry this happened, I really hope you manage to get the money 

thank you very much for your support ,,, its truly scary how far some people will go just to make a quick buck out of others' suffering,,, i hope your mom and her ex also are able to get some of the money back at the very least!!

I HATE HATE HATE people like that. This is horrible!!! I do not know much about Indonesian banks, are they able to offer any help? Your mother was clearly targetted for a Investment Scam so I truly hope they are capable of offering protections for situations like these.

i'm not quite sure, but i'll be discussing with her and some lawyer family members on saturday! thank you for your support, nui,,,!!

its hard to say even how to tackle this situation and get the money back because in the end even the conversation about investment scams have only been public since the binomo incident last year,,, and even then, the most obvious legal methods are almost impossible to reach without a good class action or good money. the OJK crackdowns evidently arent good enough and despite everything lots of people still fall for things like these, & even on reputable investment platforms things that involve peer to peer lending still has its risks… regardless, i hope youre doing well. you and your family both. wish nothing but the best for you guys.

[ive sent some funds to your trakteer, but please dont feel pressured to do extra art or anything!! i alrd have stuff pending from you, please take your time and take care of yourself!!!]

its truly crisis after crisis preying on the financially unstable,,, we also have issues of pinjol loansharks contacting me and my sister's numbers spreading our mother's photos and threatening to spread false news of her being a child predator, and we can't do anything about it... we know fighting a legal battle will only drain our pockets considering how absurdly greedy the police can be before we can even reach court... it's unfortunately a very bleak outlook for any sort of closure, all we can hope for is to make up for our losses

thank you so much for the donation mars, i truly am grateful for your patience and generosity during these trying times,,,, i apologize again for the long wait, and thank you for your understanding,,, ;;

I'm so sorry this is happening to you :((

its unfortunately a very common problem here in Indonesia, i truly hope the government cracks down on all of these scam businesses... thank you for your words, it means a lot;;;

i can't spend too much right now bcause college but i sent a donation ur way!! i wish you and your family all the luck in the world ... o7

thank you very much,,, every cent truly does make a difference, thank you for your kindness,, ;;;

oh my thats actually so horrible 

hope you guys can make everything back ! thats really scary (ノД`)

thank you very much,,! ;; the words of support means a lot atm,,

im so sorry about your situation and i hope it gets better as quickly as possible ;;

thank you very much,,, it's rough but i believe we can get through this ;;;;