Comments on [URGENT] update! All Comments
its hard to say even how to tackle this situation and get the money back because in the end even the conversation about investment scams have only been public since the binomo incident last year,,, and even then, the most obvious legal methods are almost impossible to reach without a good class action or good money. the OJK crackdowns evidently arent good enough and despite everything lots of people still fall for things like these, & even on reputable investment platforms things that involve peer to peer lending still has its risks… regardless, i hope youre doing well. you and your family both. wish nothing but the best for you guys.

[ive sent some funds to your trakteer, but please dont feel pressured to do extra art or anything!! i alrd have stuff pending from you, please take your time and take care of yourself!!!]

its truly crisis after crisis preying on the financially unstable,,, we also have issues of pinjol loansharks contacting me and my sister's numbers spreading our mother's photos and threatening to spread false news of her being a child predator, and we can't do anything about it... we know fighting a legal battle will only drain our pockets considering how absurdly greedy the police can be before we can even reach court... it's unfortunately a very bleak outlook for any sort of closure, all we can hope for is to make up for our losses

thank you so much for the donation mars, i truly am grateful for your patience and generosity during these trying times,,,, i apologize again for the long wait, and thank you for your understanding,,, ;;