Chance for Free Art

Posted 6 months, 7 days ago by thekingtheory

Hey! Want a chance for some free art?
I want to do a headshot/bust challenge at some point to work on those skills.

If you're interested, I need all four of these things from you:

  • an OC (any species)*
  • another OC of a completely different species*
  • a canon character (any)
  • a real life person (looking for a celebrity or just someone I can find a lot of reference images of)
*If you'd rather just have me pick two OCs of yours out of a whole folder, you can just link that as well!

There's no timeline on this so who knows when I'll get around to it, haha.
(If I reply to you, then you did all the steps I asked for, and you're eligible for free art. :3) edit: ok I got a lot of replies haha. if I don't reply to you right away and you provided all 4 bits of info, you're good 👍‍


an OC - (saluki mix)

another OC of a completely different species - (double-headed ball python)

a canon character - marceline the vampire queen

a real life person - yung gravy

- Oc 1:

- Oc 2:

- Canon Character: Malefor from The Legend of Spyro!

- IRL Person: Aurora Aksnes!

- first OC

- second OC

- canon character: stitch

- real person: satoshi tajiri? LOL

tysm for the chance!!

thanks for the opportunity n_n

  • *an OC (any species): Vallant
  • *another OC of a completely different species: Namun
  • a canon character: Jack Frost from SMT/persona
  • a real life person: Maria Brink or Jonathan Davis :D

*(from my ocs can be anyone here too: )

Thank you so much for the opportunity!   


Oc 1: 

Oc 2:

Cannon char: Piccolo from DBZ

Irl person: Tom Hardy!

Thank you for this chance!

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Love both OCs but happy to be given a bull to draw :3

And omg... Tiger King is gonna be a blast to do lol

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As a person who has a mullet, I appreciate it 🫡

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Wolpertinger lets gooooooo
and thank you for a dragon :'3

I've actually never seen Iwan Rheon before! He has a nice face

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Jerry is cute!! Also heck yeah FNAF OC

Kyle sounds like fun actually! Drawing someone who's so simple in his canon style while also being quite young sounds like a great challenge.

and omg Rick Astley xDD That one would definitely be fun.

ahhhhhh I'd love to draw my design again for sure :'3

Also I think drawing Spamton would be fun!! As well as your Spamton-esque OC!

also John Travolta; he has such an iconic look.

Ikr?  Also thank you so much

Ans I just absolutely adore that moon guy design<33

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chanting: deer and shark, deer and shark, deer and shark

Also thank you for the younger canon character/human person >:3
As much as I love drawing older people, I do need to practice people in their 30s and younger xD

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omg Bill is SO handsome, and thank you so much for offering me a reptile :'3

Norman Reedus let's goooooo
also for the canon characters, it would be hard to choose between the two because they're so different... maybe I do both? Who knows, haha.

EEE Thank you!! And thank you for the chance!! Excited to see what you do : D

Thank you!! Love that both the OCs are very on-point for Halloween haha.
I also definitely need to practice some more TLK lions.

and omg IOASDJASIOD Adam Driver has a very interesting face shape, so looking forward to trying to nail down his likeness!

cant wait to see what you do ^_^!!


Canon Character: Luigi of Nintendo Mario fame haha
IRL: Michael Keaton? I'll be honest I was like "Beetlejuice is a celebrity right?" because I don't know irl people T_T

Love both the OCs you linked!! Thank you for including a giraffe :-3

Luigi and Michael Keaton are both amazing choices. I love that you just know him as Beetlejuice xD
To me, he'll always be the Batman of my childhood.

:D Yay~! I love giraffes, I feel like they don't get enough love ;3;

I wish you could have seen my jaw drop when I googled and saw which Batman he was. My face-blindness is SHOCKING. <XD

you can pick anyone in my main folder!