Heyo to all commission clients of mine! 

Should you ever want to leave a review for, you can use this Bulletin anytime to leave a service review for me!

When posting a review, please feel free to be honest and if wanted, provide the commissioned artwork. I appreciate every feedback given and know that I will read every single review!

(I will not respond to reviews on this Bulletin, but rather via a follow up DM . If you ever posted a review on the General Service Review thread / give a review on my profile / on other socials, I will likely post it here as well and on the thread version of this Service Review Bulletin!

Thank you to every commission client who has worked with me, I appreciate and love you all so much! <3

(THIS BULLETIN IS FOR SERVICE REVIEWS OF COMMISSIONS I HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS. If you are not a commission client, please do not comment on this Bulletin! This Bulletin will forever remain as a space for clients of mine to give reviews for me and my commission services that I have done for them, past, present or future. Thank you!)


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testing testing one two three!
aight, first, my fam Victory did so much justice to mine and my man’s babies (it sounds wrong, fight me LOL) BUT YEAH!!! I’m so happy to have commissioned Victory for this; they made sure to keep me informed about status and progressions with the work which is something I respect and admire the most! THE CHEEBEES ARE THE ABSOLUTE BEST and will buy again some time 👀👌✨!!

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