The 3 Day Raffle of didn't do as well as I hoped it would, as the goal of the raffle is mainly to promote my commissions like PWYW Commissions + Cheeb Commissions (both are open if you want to consider to commission me)

I haven't been feeling the best as of recently- Due to stuff that happened this week I am feeling rather emotionally unstable and I really don't want to burden myself with extra owed art that causes extra stress , so I am sorry for being rather selfish and canceling the raffle just because it flopped so bad.

My Twitter thread screenshots below explain this better but I hope everyone understands ;; - When I am not drowning in school, owed art, and personal projects I will try to host more raffles in the future and not cancel them! Thank you!



Im sorry that didn’t go well :( I wish I could’ve participated but I don’t really have twitter (I refuse to call it X). im also really sorry that you haven’t been feeling the greatest lately. Do what’s best for you, and I think that would be just focusing on yourself for a minute. Don’t stress yourself over something that’s supposed to be fun. If you ever wanna talk, I’m here!