(POLL) PWYW + Cheeb Commissions Prices Increase?

Posted 7 months, 2 days ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

Should I Increase My Prices?

7 Votes Yes, increase them by the planned $5+
1 Votes Yes, but increase them by a different amount (Please comment what amount!)
0 Votes No, do not increase them. Keep them as is.
1 Votes Comment / Other Option?

Another poll but I have been considering this a lot as of late for my very much open PWYW Commissions + Cheeb Commission and since I have been wanting to commission artists (especially those who need help / emergency comms) to start on my long term goal of commissioning 100+ artists by 2025...

I also have been feeling like I am severely underpricing myself. Sure, my commissions are MEANT to be affordable. Meant to be cheap, meant to be perfect for a budget while I experiment with my art and also how to proceed with commissions. 

It's all extra money for me, and I don't use it as my base income...Perhaps I don't deserve the money but I am starting to believe that my time working on comms and how much I am being paid is not...Not satisfactory towards me, and also I feel like perhaps I deserve to increase said prices.

I listed the reasons below from my Twitter / X Thread (with a poll as well) talking about the matter as well:


So help me out and vote via the poll (it is anon!) - Should I go ahead with this price increase for my commissions as wrong as it feels to me, starting in the next Round 4?

Please be honest as I am extremely nervous that this WILL deter away clients, speaking as both a commission artist and client. But I really feel like I need to start having limited slots + increase my commission prices a bit.

Thank you for you're help and support!


I’d say to increase them by what’s planned. $5 more can really go a long way on both kinds of art, especially since the imitations are done by hand and not over any bases/edits.