Meme Thing

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago by Shijinno

Seemed entertaining...

Name: Elliott

Online handle(s): Shijinno

How'd you pick your name?: It came from when I was obsessed with Mononoke (anime), and I made a fan character named Poet (Shijin) who was meant to be the son of Kusuriuri (Medicine Seller, main character of Mononoke), and basically Shijinno just means "The Poet".

Nickname(s): Shi, Shin, Jin, etc.

Age, DOB and Star sign: 24, 11/??/199?, Sagittarius (I don't want people to actually now my birthday... Sorry. Also, I feel more Pisces than Sagittarius a lot of times...)

Height: 5'4"

Place of Residence: Germany (For about 3 years... Then I'll move somewhere else)

What are you wearing right now: A light grey jacket I have zipped up and black basket ball shorts.

Pets? (how many? What's their names? What kind?): 1 doge named Cap (Short for Captain America)

Favourite color: Turquoise/Teal (But I like pretty much every colour.)

Favourite animal: Red Panda or Clouded/Snow Leopard

Last song listened to: "Do I Wanna Know" by Arctic Monkeys

Last Movie/Show Watched: Avengers Age of Ultron, and new episode of JJBA

Do you drink or smoke: No. But every once in a while I might drink a little something... But it's pretty rare.

Do you play an instrument: Trumpet

Do you have any tattoos or piercings?: Belly button ring. I plan to get some tattoos at some point too.

What are your hobbies?: Roleplaying (both tabletop and online but I haven't found anyone online for a while to play with), writing, drawing, video games, anime, exploring new places and food, and playing with my doge.

Are you in a relationship?: Married.

Anything else?: No.

Tag: Whoever wants to do this.


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Lol! I've had one since I was 18. So for a while now. And one day I'll get my tattoos as well. c;

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Lol. I just have a few ideas, but yeah, I do understand the concerns. I think about it myself... which is why I still haven't gotten any yet since I've been thinking about it a lot for what I want to definitely be on me for my life. c:

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Definitely~! I'll take lots of pictures! c;