Comms + Adopt Bundle Announcement + General Update

Posted 6 months, 25 days ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

(ANON POLL) Preference On How To Commission Me?

1 Votes Solely on a commission platform (Artistree , Kofi, Vgen, etc)
0 Votes Without a commission platform (Classic DM me / Comment on Thread, Pay via Paypal Invoice, Get WIPS, Get Art, Etc...)
6 Votes Both, I can do both
0 Votes Other? (Comment)

This Bulletin is going to be a big one so prepare yourselves-

So a big Bulletin update because I got a lot of things to announce (that I typically can announce WAY easier on my Twitter / X ) , so here we go! 


PWYW + Cheebs Commissions CLOSING on November 12th (Sunday) + Round 4 (& beyond) changes:

My PWYW Commissions and Cheeb Commissions will be CLOSED this November 12th (in 3 days) . 

After both of these options are closed, nobody can make any orders for PWYW and/or Cheebs. I am going to focus on finishing up my current queue gained after everyone orders before November 12th and take a break from these in general!:

In Round 4 and beyond the following changes will be made:

  • Prices will increase by $5 for BOTH options. Cheebs will be $10 each and PWYW will have a minimum required payment of $20.
  • LIMITED SLOTS WILL BE A THING for both options and from any commissions I do from now on. 
  • Complete abandonment of the voucher system as payment for all commissions.
  • *Amount of slots are TBD, but you can DM me if interested in a slot reservation for Round 4 or Cheebs after they close November 12th and return on a TBD date!


(You can find my links below to order a PWYW Commission and/or Cheeb Commission before they close!)

PWYW COMMISSIONS ROUND 3: TH Commissions Thread + TH Ad

CHEEB COMMISSIONS: TH Commissions Thread TH Ad 


Being on Artistree (Commission Platform) in the future for commission works (POLL ON BULLETIN):

You probably heard of Vgen, and likely knows what Kofi is. However for reasons (don't ask, I am not disclosing) I cannot get both of those platforms for now- However a mutual recently recommended me the platform and told me all about it- And I genuinely like the platform!

As revamping my own commission site is too much of a daunting task (I am telling you, taking three AP classes in one year IS HELL. Plus I have a part time job on the weekends...)  and I really wanted to have a commission platform LIKE Vgen or Kofi - Artistree is what I am officially deciding to use for future commissions as an official platform and place for clients to order.

My only question is this, best summarized by my Twitter thread asking about this:


Please vote in the poll (ANON POLL) to let me know of you're opinion on this matter! Thank you!


Trade / Sale Folder Complete Cleanout Bundle(s)

These OCS in my trade folder have been sitting in here for far too long and I want them all completely gone + it would be nice to get extra money to help me get Navia in Genshin Impact, Dr Ratio + Ruan Mei in Honkai Star Rail and work towards my goal of 100+ artists commissioned by 2025 so- Offering bundle deals for the complete sale of my Trade / Sale Folder , I seriously want all of these OCS gone from my hands!

DM me on or on Discord (Username: victorydrawsmanga) if interested in buying via the bundles (Payment is via Paypal invoice) , individual characters, etc! Thank you! <3



$100 USD for all characters in my Trade / Sale Folder (Willard worth $55, discounted by $10 + All other OCS with no commission art worth, included in this entire bundle!)



$65 USD For Willard + Preziosa + Andrea + Mineta + Cecilia



$45 USD For Haven + Nullus + Cheng Fu + Ranger + Fibonacci


Finally just a general thing to say:

I know and is aware that it seems like I have strayed from my origins being on TH- I am using this site more to promote my commissions and business rather than the good old days of showing off my characters, stories, fankid stuff, etc. 

I am really sorry for this and I do admit I really, truly miss having time to make new characters- Code my TH, Code character profiles, participate in Forum Games, participate in Art Games- Hell even request free art on threads in the Art Freebies forum.

I am in a new era, I am in a "evolution era" where I am focusing on myself- Focusing on doing commissions for the first time with Paypal as my payment. Learning how to do business, work on said orders- Promoting and supporting others and most of all focus on school + my part time job that I have now.

Know that I will try to find time to return to my roots and bring you guys more art raffles, fanchildren OCS, OCS in general, new stories, more coding- I just need to find time for that, but it's not now- Maybe it won't be soon, I have given up on this wild year that is 2023.

Thank you so much to everyone for their support. I appreciate every single one of you- From commission clients, people who love my OCS and stories, PBFP readers and enjoyers, or just people I have met on here. You guys are awesome!

Thank you for reading this extremely long Bulletin , have a great day / evening / night! <3


dangit enigmacore beat me to it, cause i was basically gonna say the same thing- I just wanted to say gl with the comms!! I'm not a suuuper early sub, but I've still seen a lot of your progress n it's always cool to hear what you're up to, whether it is more OC shenannies or actual art business stuff ^^ either way keep it up but don't push yourself, either!

GET THAT $$$ MI AMIGO!! Yeah 2023 is crazy, and if you gotta take the rest of the year to do just commission work, go for it! It can be rough in these times, but as long as you can find time to do the things you enjoy/return to your roots as you say, it’s always in small steps. Focus on the big stuff, then dedicate small increments of time to venture back to what you used to (and still want) to do. Maybe find a code and place it in a new tab, or just do some random shitty doodles (cuz lets face it, quality isn’t everything and sometimes you just gotta have fun with your silly lil guys). Just doing what you could call the bare minimum could help in the long run once you manage to balance it out/finish your priorities.

I believe in you and will always support in future endeavors, even if I won’t be able to commission you in the current moment. (Who knows, maybe one day I’ll contribute to your Genshin/Honkai/Commission goals ✨)