Hello everyone! I have some splendid news! We're moving to LoreKeeper!

A lorekeeper is going to help us organize the species significantly more and make things easier for people to access without having to go back and forth several different places to check things.


  • We will begin requiring members who want to own a vix or dreamea to have an account on the lorekeeper
  • All our masterlisting and banking will be done on the lorekeeper itself 
  • All designs will be recorded on the masterlist, so if you own a design and would like it transferred to your account, you will need to contact one of the species owners when released
  • We will be releasing more prompts, events, and rewards. These will happen monthly!
  • There will be foraging
  • Trades, MYO approvals, redesigns, etc, will all happen directly on the website

Now, with lorekeeper addressed, I need to tell you all about newer related species rules.


  • We will be instating a new rule about creating copyrighted media based characters. Right now that rule is yet to be discussed, so it is not yet in effect, but bare this in mind for the future.
  • Species traits will be updated soon, and we are retiring of most of the other subspecies. If you have a vix of a specific subspecies or they have traits we are retiring, we are not requiring you to change your vix, but you can no longer add them to your vix when the new traits sheet is officially released.
  • We will be releasing guest artist applications once we have cleaned up. Either late December or early January

There is no plans for an event at this time currently, due to my co-owner (Kedavra) and my event admin (Forneus) being MIA due to irl issues and medical problems, but once they properly return and catch up with all their queue, hopefully we will have an event! Thank you all so much for your continued support, you're all so lovely here and I hope that I can fix all the issues the community currently has with activity and disorganization soon.

Once the LoreKeeper is online and available, I'll be announcing it here as well as in the discord server.


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