so anyone not tagged offlimits is on offers!

Primarily looking at usd, art, character trades


Are you looking at art offers for your UMA characters? I’ve got my eye on some of ur cozies, I have examples over here just in case

I’ve also got this character if she is of any interest 

I might depending on which cozie c: your art is very nice!

Alrightie!! For any of these I could offer 3 headshots/busts or perhapsss a fullbody: A B C D E F G

And for any of these I could offer 1-2 headshots/busts (or maybe a full if you’d do multiple): H I J K L M N O P Q R

I also included some CLs I’d be interested in too, I’ve never participated in the UMA before but I do find the designs to be super adorable :3 If you are not really interested in art for any of these charas thats completely fine!! I understand that you’d be tent on these cuties :D I’m free to negotiate anything if you are looking for different kinda art

Thank you so much for letting me offer!

Yea I could do that!! Just lmk what characters you’d like drawn :D and just to ask in advance, would you be okay if the fullbody took a bit longer? I could definitely get it done by like 1st - 4th December but if you prefer I could try get it done sooner 👀

can i ask whatever happened to andalusite? i remember a while back i asked abt him if you'd want to sell or smth since i used to co-own him with my old friend/his original creator, and i think you said maybe/eventually but not right at that time, then it seems he disappeared

He's currently being held by my friend until I can pay them back for the money they let me borrow during an emergency ;v; would you like me to DM them for you? :0 

Edit: his profile is authorized only which is likely why you couldn't see it anymore c:

yeah please that'd be great!

oh gotcha that's fine

I'll send him a text and let you know when they respond

okie take your time, no rush

Hi! Got a response their wondering what your offer is c:

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