Hi! So on Halloween night I had a bad fall and have been ignoring the pain and swelling in my hand as much as I could, But unfortunately it’s gotten to a point where I can’t quite move my hand, which happens to be my dominant hand (right) to be able to do things like move fingers, bend, etc. So! I’m going to be on a small injury break, hopefully the meloxicam my doc prescribed today will help with the swelling, but for now drawing output is slowing down again, most of you should have your sketches already or even line art phase, thank you for your patience with me while I tackle these.

Oh! And on other news mental health wise i already told some friends and stuff, But I got an official ADHD diagnosis (and uh, I’m also on the spectrum oop) and have an appointment with the psychologist to speak about trying a medication tomorrow to hopefully help with the symptoms and anxiety, So assuming it goes well? (Since my insurance needs to pre authorize it for the brand name because the generics are NOT gluten free and I have celiac) I should hopefully be medicated soon and be able to tackle things quicker, so here’s to hoping c:

Again thank you for your patience! I may try and work on coms that don’t require me to bend my wrist as much, so a few of you may still get updates during the injury rest c: mostly just things that are small


I hope your hand feels better soon! As well as getting the things you need for your adhd etc! ^^ best of luck to you <3