(NOTICE) Comm Deadline Extension + More Stuff

Posted 6 months, 20 days ago by VictoryDrawsStuff

ANON Poll For Fun - Simping For Who In HSR 1.6?

0 Votes Ruan Mei
1 Votes Dr Ratio
0 Votes Blade (Rerun Banner)
0 Votes Kafka (Rerun Banner)
1 Votes None of these and I play HSR
1 Votes None of these and I don't play HSR
0 Votes Mother Of All Time (If you select this, ily <3)

Here we go another Bulletin announcing everything that I typically can announce on my Twitter / X @VictoryDraws (consider to follow me there, quite active and I tend to make a lot of my announcements here + trying to reach 6K followers because I am so close omg-  !)


PWYW + Cheebs Commissions CLOSING on November 17th (Sunday) + Take Advantage of my Friends Deals (+ My Slay Deals)

Yeah I lied a bit and decided to FURTHER EXTEND the closing date of my PWYW Commissions + Genshin / Star Rail Style Cheeb Commissions to November 17th (this Friday) all because my friends decided to UNO REVERSE ME and basically offer deals that if YOU commission me, come to them with proof of purchase- They will draw free art for you!

So my commissions are STILL OPEN - Consider to commission me THIS WEEK before Friday (you got 3 days left now) to take advantage of the lowest prices + unlimited slots- 

Because in Round 4 and beyond? Prices will increase and limited slots will be a thing :(

This actually is so successful that a lot of my friends deals are over as all slots have been taken- However my bestie Lunesonthemoon is still going to draw free chibis for anyone who commissions me- Please check her out, and this post of my mine has more info! 



Speaking of deals- I actually have this thing called "Slay Deals" ongoing!

What is it? Basically if you commission the featured listed artists , DM me showing proof of purchase (you must have commissioned any of the featured artists in the deals this week from November 13th -> 19th) , I will draw a free bust sketch for you!

You can find all information in this post of mine for featured artists + how this actually works (You can DM me on TH showing proof of purchase!)

Please consider to support all featured artists, from this week to every week! Artists featured alongside my two best friends in this entire world will change weekly, and I might open up applications and do a TH exclusive perhaps... Let me know if you guys may want that!

It is one of my constant goals to support other artists and find ways to help artists in this world that we live in, so lets go!


Some other things to announce is that:

  • I still have Monotone / Minimal Colored Bust Sketch Commissions OPEN! 4 slots left, each sketch is just $5 and I seriously love doing these- So consider to snatch a slot as unlike PWYW + Cheeb commissions, these will come back in a constant cycle! (Slots Filled - I finish all Comms - These come back and repeat!)

  • For Commission Clients + Owed Art People: My queue is large , it's larger than I ever anticipated which I am very thankful for all the commissions and support! Please keep it upI need funds for Huo Huo, Dr Ratio, Kafka, Ruan Mei and Blade rerun banners and Navia actually LMAO  and it has been an amazing experience working with all of you! Thanks to you all, I am on my path to my goal of 100+ artists commissioned by 2025 (So far 4/100 for progress) , I got Wriothesley and Neuvilette in Genshin Impact (achieved my reason to even play the game again LOL) and I have really learned a lot about doing commissions and evolving so much! But also due to this large queue, it will take me time to work on commissions. I have school, part time job on the weekends, and I am a bit too perfectionistic with commissions so I ask for you're patience and reminder that you can DM me ANYTIME for updates or check my Trello for progress, don't be afraid to reach out to me! I am doing my best to work through my queue so I can be owed art free and hopefully work on stuff like PBFP <3 - Thank you!

  • And also I swear I am working on my OCS Another sona of mine, Lee is proof! and I have OC ideas and stuff from my Genshin Impact RP with my bestie, PBFP and my other projects cooking- It's just hard to work on them when commissions are looming over me and I feel obligated to work on comms only, but I got OC stuff going on I swear! help me I need affirmations sometimes that it's okay to not work on comms all the time-

Bulletin over, that's all for my updates! Thanks for reading and for you're support! <3

(+ Anon poll for fun, as per tradition at this point LOL)


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