Masterlist update

Posted 7 months, 3 days ago by CuddleraysML

As I’ve reached numbers 200-300, I’m noticing a lot of myos that are not linked to placeholder profile. I am moving those to limbo. Limbo means they can be reinstated with a new number or voided, but that I will no longer be contacting every single owner because I have to get this up and running again. So, if you see your masterlist number credited to a different character, please check our limbo folder. Then, if you still don’t see your name on any myos, please notify me here requesting a new number for your Cuddleray, with a link to the character, and a link to the message you received the myo if it was from a forum event.

I apologize again for the inconvenience. As one of the new owners of cuddlerays, I was not prepared for the mess I was getting into. I hope to make this process easier for everyone going forward. I am aware that the masterlist is all over the place and will try to make it easy enough to get your characters listed. - 🔔


oh hello, just saw this after replying to the older message yesterday im sorry if it's annoying for me to reply to both but i'm not sure

i had a myo #502, which is in limbo because i forgot to check this account for several months and so didn't see the message (i'm very sorry, totally mb)

i'd like to fix this if at all possible, though im still pretty new to how th works

also i'm really sorry if i'm doing this wrong

I... Still don't know if mine from the first free MYO event ever expired. I do still have the placeholder character profile.

Doesn’t expire. Were you given a number? If so, what was it?

Ah, I’ve found it, but that number is currently filled by another character, so I’ll give you a new number, 566, I’ll request a link shortly

Ah thank you, sorry I was at work!

YasuiDoesArt does your myo have a masterlist number? If so, I need to check on it.

I havent gotten it yet cuz its on acc of the person or somthing but they said theyd ping you about it

They did. There was apparently no number attached. I’ll get you a number next time I’m working in the masterlist

My Cuddleray MYO (218) was moved to limbo, but it does have a placeholder profile. I was wondering why it was put there? Just so I can fix that up ^u^ I do plan to design them within the coming weeks.

Oh, cool! I’ll move it back! I didn’t see the link

We have a myo that we don't know if it has a number or not (acked for one when the old owner was in charge but they never told us its number)

Great, let’s call that number 204

I have it pending to the world! I will be finding the myo a new home soon hopefully btw sense i don't think we'll be using it i just wanted to get its number first.