I have a ask guys

Posted 5 months, 12 days ago by Aisy15_Chan

is Toyhouse is beat all sh*t of AI 'artist' on this website D:’‚?!?!!?

edit: yeah i ask about is TH is anti AI art???


In the TH rules, it states this about art ownership:

"Please ensure all artwork you use is used with permission and properly sourced."

Since a large majority of AI art is created through machine learning (using countless numbers of art without consent), it should be strictly disallowed through that rule
Though, I think due to there not being many people moderating or updating Toyhouse, the rules haven't been updated to account for the recent major uptick in AI art right now

That make lot sense! :'0 Yeah also i hope they update the rules so we have clear explanation & no need worried about this ai art on here;;;

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Yeah like that :0 My friend said she saw one of her people her know which use & do ai art get disappeared at TH! 

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that makes sense-