
Posted 6 months, 17 days ago by doomedGemini

A World of Power

Soul Colors

Magic is a gift that most, if not all, obtain within the clans in Paradise of Stars, but the type of magic one holds is determined by the color of their soul. Many colors exist within the aurora, and as such many exist amongst the souls of the cats who call this island home. Six in total have been recorded, each seemingly dependent on a certain attribute over others. Red souls with their tendency towards strength. Blue souls with their seemingly never ending dexterity. Green souls have a penchant towards their intelligence, where Purple souls tend towards their wisdom. Finally you have the White and Black souls who cater towards their constitution and charisma respectfully. Each color has a role to play within the natural order of our lives, just as the Slumbering One wished.

Red Souls

Red Souls

Fire and Blood

“The Red Souls were born from Elanis blood that now runs rivers of molten lava. These individuals tend to be proud of themselves and those they care for, aggressive at times but passionate. They give their whole heart into whatever they do. They rely upon their strength as they control the blood that runs through our veins and manipulate flames from the tiniest ember to the greatest inferno. Should you befriend a Red Soul you will have perhaps the warmest and most protective friend on the island, but should you make them your enemy you will have the fury that rivals the burning magma at your paws.”


Blue Souls

Blue Souls

Water and Time

“The Blue Souls were born of Elanis' tears that fell from the sky to fill our streams.. These individuals tend to be as fluid as the water; they're masters of adapting to every situation with grace and ease. Known for their level-headedness, they approach challenges with a calm and careful strategy. Their intuitive nature allows them to understand the flow of time, enabling them to anticipate and react to events with unparalleled dexterity. The Blue Souls are guardians of wisdom, weaving the fabric of our history and destiny like the ever-changing tides. In their company, one can find a soothing presence akin to a gentle stream, yet their unpredictability and mischievousness can be as deep and vast as the ocean.”


Green Souls

Green Souls

Air and Familiars

“The Green Souls were born of Elanis' breath that weaved together into the clouds in the sky and gave life to all that walks. These individuals tend to be clever little tricksters with a drive towards independence, both for themselves and for others. Don’t allow their aloof carefree ways deceive you; however, intelligence seems to run within the veins of these cats as fast as the breeze that laps at their paws. The company of a green soul can leave one feeling energized and refreshed, but their ire is akin to standing against a raging storm with your paws alone.”


Purple Souls

Purple Souls

Frost and Plant Growth

“The Purple Souls emerged from Elanis' claws and fangs, where frost meets flora. They embody the whimsy of a frost-touched blossom and the nurturing spirit of growth. Caring and meek, they weave playfulness into their wisdom, always ready to lend a helpful hand. Their connection to frost symbolizes their ability to preserve and protect, while their bond with plant life reflects their role in nurturing knowledge and understanding. Purple Souls blend the playfulness of a sprouting seed with the calm of a winter's night, offering guidance with a gentle, nurturing touch. As companions, they bring joy and growth, but underestimated, their wisdom is as formidable as the frost that shapes the landscape."


Black Souls

Black Souls

Shadow and Memories

“The Black Souls were born of Elanis' mind where shadows weave with memories. They are the embodiment of diplomacy, their words as smooth and persuasive as a night's whisper. With a natural charm, they navigate the clan's intricate social hierarchies, drawing others into their silent yet compelling presence. However, their charisma can sometimes morph into an overbearing force, overshadowing others with their powerful personality. Shrouded in secrecy, they move through the clan like a shadow, their motives often hidden. Their influence extends beyond mere words, as they subtly shape the clan's memories and perceptions. In the eyes of their clanmates, the Black Souls are both an enigmatic ally and a formidable force, their charismatic leadership as commanding as the darkest night in the forest.”


White Souls

White Souls

Light and Transmutation

“The White Souls were born of Elanis' Will that shines through to light our path. Like the light they wield those who are blessed with a white soul are known for their bold personality and their adaptability to change. Those who possess this color soul can also be arrogant and unpredictable in thoughts and movement. To befriend a white soul is believed to make a friend for life. Natural survivors of the many threats that occur on the body of the slumbering goddess, these cats even possess the ability to alter their bodies to fit their needs. Making them excellent scouts for their clan and a greater threat to their foes.”


Soul Shades

It's been noticed that for every soul that came from the Slumbering One, a certain shade is unique to only two, perhaps in some rare cases three individuals. These shades are not immediately known however. No, many must overcome trials before they discover themselves to such a length.


Soul Partners

Souls partners are those individuals who share a shade in their soul. Often there are only two, but some rare instances of having more have occurred in the past. Soul partners are not the same as soul mates. While some soul partners may love each other romantically, many have been familial or even the fiercest of rivals. Regardless of the circumstances it cannot be denied that when Soul Partners come together their powers are enhanced, and new abilities might even occur.

When soul partners are found it's common for one partner to leave their clan to join the others, it is the one way one might change their clan without repercussions against ones reputation.

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