Paradise of Stars's Bulletins

Religion Within The Clans

Posted 5 months, 1 day ago by doomedGemini

The Religion

The clans within Paradise of Stars believe in one god, The Slumbering One, who through stories passed from the elders is believed to take the shape of a large smilodon who many moons ago fell into a deep slumber beneath their paws. The body of their god became the island that they call home, while her spirit released into the sky becoming what the clans call Auroraclan. Auroraclan is where the souls of fallen warriors go to rejoin with the Slumbering Ones spirit, watching over the clans from their place in the sky, and guiding the clans through the voice of The Exiles.

The Exiles are a group of cats who live beneath the clans in what are known as The Heart Cave's Tunnels. As their name may imply, they were all once a part of one of the clans before the were sent beneath the earth, either due to a crime once committed or sacrificed to maintain The Exiles numbers, with the duty to listen for the Slumbering Ones voice and tend to the "Stjarvidna" or "The Star Willow"

The Exiles are not permitted above ground outside of a few select instances. One such instance is The Festival of Souls, a celebration the three clans put together in the Firefly Fields once every year when the weather warms under the light of the Aurora. The Fireflies are viewed to be souls who have yet to find a body, and as such the clans display their absolute best to coax these souls to be born anew in their clans. The Exiles are allowed above to see the celebrations through and give the Slumbering Ones blessing. Outside of this one holiday The Exiles are only allowed above during times of absolute emergency, or to pass on the words of The Slumbering One.

How The Clans View The Slumbering One

Verdantclan are respectful of the Slumbering One, as it is through her they came to be, but in comparison to the other two clans Verdantclan could perhaps be considered the least devout in terms of worship. They respect the sleeping god, and they care for the land they live upon, honoring the Slumbering One through their use of their magic.

Glacierclan view their god as nothing more then a dead one. They respect their creator, worship her through their harsh lifestyle of surviving her harshest of conditions and are quick to defend her should any insults be spoken. They believe they must survive to be worthy of joining their creator in the aurora when its time for them to slumber as well.

Basaltclan view the Slumbering One as the greatest tale to be told, the one every cat knows from the smallest kit to the oldest elder. The clan venerates their slumbering god, compare the acts of their own, living and deceased, to that of the gods teeth, height, strength, claws, and so on. Despite this, there is a disconnect between the god and the clan due to the slumber, nothing more then a story to connect them.

How The Clans View Auroraclan

Verdantclan holds respect for Auroraclan, for those are the ancestors who have left their side for their well earned rest. However, they would rather treat this clan of the deceased as guides rather then omnipresent beings. They cherish the memories they have of those who are gone, but they accept that they must live in the present rather then the past.

Glacierclans views on Auroraclan are very similar to their views on their god. Auroraclan is the clan of the dead, warriors who have survived and have now earned their place within the aurora. Though Glacierclan does hold less positive views on those who they consider 'to weak to survive'. Kits are perhaps the only exception, those who were never given the chance to survive.

Basaltclan view Auroraclan as a much closer in-between for themselves and their god, the connection between the living and the dead. These are their honored ancestors who stories they sing and the ultimate goal is to join their ranks. It's common for Basaltclan cats to fixate on only a few, or perhaps even one, ancestor in specific to dream on becoming as great as.

How The Clans View The Exiles

Verdantclan was the first to exile one of their own, and finds the act to be a great shame when one of their own is called to join The Exiles ranks. Joining the Exiles is both a punishment and a great honor. They miss those who leave to join the group beneath the earth, celebrating them for taking up the honor of nurturing the Heart Cave and Stjarvinda, though they know they will never see their clanmate again outside of a slim possibility once every year.

Glacierclan views The Exiles as nothing more then traitors and weaklings that the dead took pity on. They show the barest level of respect when The Exile call, but it is only out of their respect for Auroraclan and The Slumbering One. If you were volunteered to join the Exiles, then you were viewed as the weakest link.

Basaltclan view The Exiles as stories opposing those of Auroraclan and The Slumbering One. They are black marks and dishonors upon their clans history, and to them a tale unworthy of being shared. When interacting with The Exiles varies from cat to cat, some avoid them like it's something they could catch, others are disrespectful, and some are strictly professional so they can wash their paws of them quickly.

Rules and Guidelines

Posted 6 months, 9 days ago by doomedGemini

Rules and Guidelines



  • Paradise of Stars is an 18+ Warrior cats X Paradise crossover campaign and will contain sensitive content. (Content warnings: Dark/Horror imagery, Body Horror, Blood and Injuries, more to be added as needed.)
  • Be respectful and considerate of your fellow players. Discrimination of any form will not be tolerated
  • Paradise of Stars is an LGBTQ+ friendly space
  • Triggering subjects must always be appropriately tagged and covered with a spoiler mark within the chats. Sexual content, Sexual Abuse, Incest is prohibited in its entirety. More may be added at the moderators discretion
  • Triggering Subjects: Suicide, Self-Harm, Death, Terminal Illness, Addiction
  • Though this campaign is 18+ no sexual content is allowed within the chats or roleplay.
  • No god modding or power playing
  • Artwork must be drawn by yourself or drawn for you, given permission by the artist to use, and credited to the artist.
  • If you’re asked to keep something secret by a moderator, such as your soul shade, you must keep it to yourself until you’re informed that you’re allowed to share.
  • All rules are subject to change and more may be added at the moderators discretion.


  • Our discord contains both Pluralkit and Tupperbot. Pluralkit is to be used for our friends within Systems, where Tupperbot may be used by anyone for roleplaying purposes.

Character Creation

  • Characters must be of natural/semi natural coloration and markings.
  • Characters may have any eye color.
  • Accessories are allowed, but must be crafted of natural occurring sources available to the clans as there are no humans or human influences in the clans territories. No feathers, bone, or other culturally appropriative accessories.
  • Characters may have hairstyles and manes.
  • All genders and sexualities are allowed.
  • Minimum age accepted is 6 moons, maximum age accepted is 140 moons.
  • Minimum height accepted for adult characters is 5” (13 cm) while maximum is 16” (40 cm) at shoulder. Younger characters may be 3” (8 cm) but will grow with age.
  • Please include trigger warning on applications with sensitive content (as seen in the rules)
  • Mental and physical disabilities are allowed but player must be considerate and researched upon the conditions of said disabilities.
  • Names must not be explicit, offensive, or derogatory and must follow warrior naming conventions (snowpaw, lilysong, stormheart)
  • ......


  • Players may submit up to 2 NPCs when submitting their character. These npcs may appear during the plot of the campaign and will be able to be interacted with during interim periods.
  • Art for NPCs is not required, but a description of what they look like is.
  • NPCs will be played by the Game Master, but may at times be controlled by one of the moderators if needed.


Posted 6 months, 17 days ago by doomedGemini

A World of Power

Soul Colors

Magic is a gift that most, if not all, obtain within the clans in Paradise of Stars, but the type of magic one holds is determined by the color of their soul. Many colors exist within the aurora, and as such many exist amongst the souls of the cats who call this island home. Six in total have been recorded, each seemingly dependent on a certain attribute over others. Red souls with their tendency towards strength. Blue souls with their seemingly never ending dexterity. Green souls have a penchant towards their intelligence, where Purple souls tend towards their wisdom. Finally you have the White and Black souls who cater towards their constitution and charisma respectfully. Each color has a role to play within the natural order of our lives, just as the Slumbering One wished.

Red Souls

Red Souls

Fire and Blood

“The Red Souls were born from Elanis blood that now runs rivers of molten lava. These individuals tend to be proud of themselves and those they care for, aggressive at times but passionate. They give their whole heart into whatever they do. They rely upon their strength as they control the blood that runs through our veins and manipulate flames from the tiniest ember to the greatest inferno. Should you befriend a Red Soul you will have perhaps the warmest and most protective friend on the island, but should you make them your enemy you will have the fury that rivals the burning magma at your paws.”


Blue Souls

Blue Souls

Water and Time

“The Blue Souls were born of Elanis' tears that fell from the sky to fill our streams.. These individuals tend to be as fluid as the water; they're masters of adapting to every situation with grace and ease. Known for their level-headedness, they approach challenges with a calm and careful strategy. Their intuitive nature allows them to understand the flow of time, enabling them to anticipate and react to events with unparalleled dexterity. The Blue Souls are guardians of wisdom, weaving the fabric of our history and destiny like the ever-changing tides. In their company, one can find a soothing presence akin to a gentle stream, yet their unpredictability and mischievousness can be as deep and vast as the ocean.”


Green Souls

Green Souls

Air and Familiars

“The Green Souls were born of Elanis' breath that weaved together into the clouds in the sky and gave life to all that walks. These individuals tend to be clever little tricksters with a drive towards independence, both for themselves and for others. Don’t allow their aloof carefree ways deceive you; however, intelligence seems to run within the veins of these cats as fast as the breeze that laps at their paws. The company of a green soul can leave one feeling energized and refreshed, but their ire is akin to standing against a raging storm with your paws alone.”


Purple Souls

Purple Souls

Frost and Plant Growth

“The Purple Souls emerged from Elanis' claws and fangs, where frost meets flora. They embody the whimsy of a frost-touched blossom and the nurturing spirit of growth. Caring and meek, they weave playfulness into their wisdom, always ready to lend a helpful hand. Their connection to frost symbolizes their ability to preserve and protect, while their bond with plant life reflects their role in nurturing knowledge and understanding. Purple Souls blend the playfulness of a sprouting seed with the calm of a winter's night, offering guidance with a gentle, nurturing touch. As companions, they bring joy and growth, but underestimated, their wisdom is as formidable as the frost that shapes the landscape."


Black Souls

Black Souls

Shadow and Memories

“The Black Souls were born of Elanis' mind where shadows weave with memories. They are the embodiment of diplomacy, their words as smooth and persuasive as a night's whisper. With a natural charm, they navigate the clan's intricate social hierarchies, drawing others into their silent yet compelling presence. However, their charisma can sometimes morph into an overbearing force, overshadowing others with their powerful personality. Shrouded in secrecy, they move through the clan like a shadow, their motives often hidden. Their influence extends beyond mere words, as they subtly shape the clan's memories and perceptions. In the eyes of their clanmates, the Black Souls are both an enigmatic ally and a formidable force, their charismatic leadership as commanding as the darkest night in the forest.”


White Souls

White Souls

Light and Transmutation

“The White Souls were born of Elanis' Will that shines through to light our path. Like the light they wield those who are blessed with a white soul are known for their bold personality and their adaptability to change. Those who possess this color soul can also be arrogant and unpredictable in thoughts and movement. To befriend a white soul is believed to make a friend for life. Natural survivors of the many threats that occur on the body of the slumbering goddess, these cats even possess the ability to alter their bodies to fit their needs. Making them excellent scouts for their clan and a greater threat to their foes.”


Soul Shades

It's been noticed that for every soul that came from the Slumbering One, a certain shade is unique to only two, perhaps in some rare cases three individuals. These shades are not immediately known however. No, many must overcome trials before they discover themselves to such a length.


Soul Partners

Souls partners are those individuals who share a shade in their soul. Often there are only two, but some rare instances of having more have occurred in the past. Soul partners are not the same as soul mates. While some soul partners may love each other romantically, many have been familial or even the fiercest of rivals. Regardless of the circumstances it cannot be denied that when Soul Partners come together their powers are enhanced, and new abilities might even occur.

When soul partners are found it's common for one partner to leave their clan to join the others, it is the one way one might change their clan without repercussions against ones reputation.

HTML by TheDemonicArtist


Posted 8 months, 2 days ago by doomedGemini





  • FOUNDER Ravenmask
  • LEADER Tephrastar
  • HEADQUARTERS The Basalt Cavern


"The Ambitious and Proud"

Basaltclan. Their territory is dominated by their namesake - basalt columns that form impressive cliffs, lava field rifts, and jagged coasts. Unrelenting waterfalls and exposed rock are their teachers, but such variety keeps them well-fed and proud. Athletic and driven by personal ambitions, many cliques form to take on self-appointed quests or to test one another in challenges. Their deeds are their lives. Individuals over the whole.

Magic is a weapon, in defense of the god's land and the god's children! It is a respected tool to be honed and preserved. Uses outside of hunting and fighting are seen as childish at best and disrespectful at worst. However, in fights and tests of honor or other competitions, the flashiest of displays nets the most attention and praise. Basaltclan cats revel in the glory and power, in their closeness to their god, through its workings.


  1. Clan Camp - Basaltclans camp rests within a cavern carved out by waterways between the towering basalt pillars their clan is named after. Following the water into the cavern you’ll be met with a section where the gap between the two sides narrows enough that even the smallest of Kit could jump between the sides and a hole in the ceiling allows in light to illuminate Basaltclans vertical climbing camp. Each den rests within cracks within the stone walls, the leader, warriors, and apprentices high on the basalt towers, while the healers' den, nursery, and elders' dens rest lower closer to the waters.
  2. The Dark Beach - The beach that leads up to the cavern that Basaltclan calls home is crafted from black sand heavily influenced by the Slumbering Saber that rests in the center of all the clan's territory.
  3. The Paw Pools - To the north of Basaltclan territory close to the Glacierclan border rest a series of pools interconnected by falls that resemble the shape of a paw print. These pools are often filled with fish and the elders tell tales of the pools being made by Rowanstar, a past leader who’s size is rumored to have rivaled that of a bear.
  4. The Thundertusk Grave - To the Southern part of basaltclans territory along the Verdantclan border the roaming Thundertusk herds cross between the two clans territories. The eldest of these great beasts found this part of Basaltclan territory to be their resting grounds, leaving behind bones of the great beasts.
  5. The Runestone Barrier - To the far south east of Basaltclan territory lies a large stone that bares many carved runes on its face. This stone marks the end of known clan territory, all that lies beyond is rife with chaotic wild magic. Cats who have crossed have not been heard from again.


Describe your organization's values and principles as a collective. What do they believe in? What kind of values do they try to uphold and/ or encompass as an organization?

Maecenas efficitur aliquam leo ac pulvinar. Sed mattis ultrices lacus, nec vulputate eros hendrerit eu. Donec ultrices, purus a varius molestie, velit velit pharetra lorem, aliquam ultricies augue orci non lacus. Integer facilisis odio et dui luctus, rutrum ultricies urna sodales. Maecenas pulvinar dapibus libero, vel semper erat dictum ut. Proin egestas, tortor non gravida laoreet, ex neque ultrices mi, a cursus diam eros non sapien. Aliquam malesuada convallis ex a iaculis. Donec bibendum sem non accumsan pretium.


  1. List the rules your organization members have to uphold as a member of said organization.
  2. Mauris a quam felis. Phasellus ante risus, interdum et neque sed, ultricies porta nunc. In cursus eros at porta sagittis. Quisque iaculis rhoncus nisi, a bibendum sapien ultricies vel.
  3. Fusce mauris urna, eleifend sit amet dapibus sed, aliquet convallis risus. Fusce posuere molestie felis, sed tristique magna dictum at.
  4. Sed malesuada nunc id ante semper, sed porttitor tortor finibus. Mauris ac eleifend orci, et dapibus mauris. Mauris at porttitor odio
  5. Proin finibus elit sed imperdiet mollis.




Scouts are a sight one can find in any of the clans. These warriors take it upon themselves to be the eyes and ears of their clans, keeping ever vigilant of their borders and reporting back should anything be amiss.



No Basaltclan cat is a stranger to storms, living on the black sand beach has made them aware of the dangers that lie with the strike of thunder. Storm chasers however sing praises at the thrill of each flash. They aim to be just as quick and just as deadly as the storm, unafraid to step out into the torrents of rain to find their prey.



Battle and honor are the foundations of Basaltclan and these warriors have chosen to embody it to the utmost degree. Blood Singers hunt for the largest prey, for the deadliest battle, for the harshest of challenges so they might prove themselves amongst their clan mates and stand as tall as Elani herself.


Describe how people are recruited into joining your organization. Is there a test that they have to undertake? Do they have to be recommended by another member? How strict or lenient is your organization in accepting new members? What are the qualifications needed to join?

Ut ut quam eget ligula porttitor sollicitudin. Vivamus porta convallis vulputate. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse id sem egestas, eleifend turpis sit amet, viverra ante. Fusce interdum sit amet dui sit amet euismod. Quisque in odio lectus. Sed posuere nec dolor vel gravida. Phasellus elit libero, tempus ac lectus ut, tempor gravida nisl.

Quisque eu facilisis lorem, in aliquet mauris. Cras et lacus ut lorem suscipit dictum ut a tortor. Pellentesque velit massa, pulvinar at imperdiet a, cursus at ligula. Nulla hendrerit finibus tellus, ac feugiat massa tincidunt eu. Aenean urna risus, pretium vel mollis non, tincidunt vitae magna. Morbi mollis erat ut odio cursus, quis congue sem pretium. Integer erat sem, suscipit sed odio sit amet, consectetur euismod lectus. Ut fringilla, dui eu condimentum porta, eros arcu vehicula dolor, et pellentesque odio massa consequat magna. Pellentesque posuere dolor id massa malesuada placerat. Maecenas vel orci ligula. Proin rhoncus, ligula ac iaculis fringilla, nibh velit pellentesque elit, non iaculis libero mi suscipit purus. Donec dolor dui, auctor sed nibh non, congue fermentum turpis.


Describe where your headquarters are located here. You can also describe the general structure of it, both in terms of exterior and interior. Is it large and spacious? Small and cramped? In somebody's basement?

Vestibulum id sem semper, malesuada diam et, bibendum libero. Integer sed dui eget sapien fermentum rutrum non id ipsum. Nunc sodales nibh sed ante elementum venenatis. Mauris nec accumsan dolor. In venenatis gravida turpis, eget faucibus magna pulvinar vitae. In ut nisl orci. Sed tortor lorem, pulvinar in justo condimentum, mollis congue ipsum. Aenean quis varius nisl. Praesent maximus elit at malesuada vestibulum. Fusce commodo mi non felis luctus porta. Suspendisse maximus augue vitae dapibus pulvinar. Quisque ut eros sit amet nisi fringilla tempor.

Ut rhoncus massa a lacus cursus sagittis. Etiam tristique bibendum dictum. Integer consectetur eu eros ut euismod. Morbi eu elit vel urna imperdiet rhoncus ut id magna. Nunc pretium, purus quis rutrum sagittis, nisl nunc semper felis, eu viverra magna felis quis quam. Suspendisse quis dignissim lacus, nec ultricies turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam commodo quam lacinia mi laoreet, at sagittis lorem volutpat. Vivamus nec vestibulum erat, eget sollicitudin lorem. Donec vel augue et elit imperdiet ultrices in id mi. Vestibulum urna justo, efficitur quis auctor non, tristique quis erat.


Specify if your organization is recognized by the public or otherwise works in the shadows. If they're a public organization, what do the masses/ society/ general think about them? Are they well-known and respected? Or are they feared?

Phasellus pretium quis dolor quis volutpat. Sed a vestibulum velit. Nullam id tortor quam. Sed suscipit orci enim. Nullam leo arcu, dignissim ut metus a, viverra hendrerit metus. Cras vestibulum arcu eu ullamcorper pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam eget vulputate tellus. Phasellus ex sapien, varius eget lectus eu, hendrerit consectetur lacus. Praesent a mauris ex. Nam nec vestibulum est. Sed fermentum orci nisi, sed vulputate ipsum interdum eget. Quisque luctus neque quis purus cursus suscipit. Phasellus leo mi, eleifend nec interdum in, lacinia a sem.

Etiam commodo risus tempus quam ullamcorper, eget dapibus lectus sollicitudin. Nunc porta velit a dolor consequat, quis tempor arcu imperdiet. Aliquam nec metus dictum leo luctus blandit. Etiam aliquam consectetur velit et volutpat. Aenean ut massa id est lobortis ornare eu nec augue. Suspendisse semper felis orci, molestie bibendum mauris ultrices non. Donec malesuada, diam a accumsan faucibus, tortor nunc mattis urna, pharetra semper ex massa at ipsum. Fusce consequat commodo turpis vitae efficitur. Morbi nec sapien tempus orci sollicitudin bibendum.



  • AGE: 69 Moons
  • PRONOUNS: He/Him
  • RANK: Leader


  • AGE: 32 Moons
  • PRONOUNS: He/They
  • RANK: Healer


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown

Code by Aurorean


Posted 8 months, 2 days ago by doomedGemini





  • FOUNDER Fjordrunner
  • LEADER Puffinstar


"The Creative and Compassionate"

Verdantclan. Their home is made in the soft places between mountains rife with volcanoes and shores choked by violent tides. The land they roam is green and vivid with plants, freckled with flowers of a thousand kinds. Hot springs soothe what little woes they have when times grow cold. Their land is a harsh one, but why not indulge in the kindness of it too? They often lure away those jaded by the other clans, or those too injured, weak, or ill to be considered fit enough to survive the long winters and sudden weather changes of the god-lands. Embrace dependence, indulgence, and idle passions.

Magic is had and so it is meant to be used. In every little aspect of life, Verdantclan works the power of their souls. Leaves their mark and toys with the world. Little acts of god, for are they not all made in the god's image? With the god's powers? The only incorrect way to wield magic is to not at all! A denial of the self, their people, their culture. It is to be without a soul at all. Those who struggle to use their soul's gifts are often coddled and "gently" ridiculed.


  1. Clan Camp - Verdantclan has made its home within the valley of two mountains where the flora is lush and vibrant. This clan's camp is protected by a barrier of briars and decorated with sweet smelling flowers. The Warriors, Elders, and Apprentices dens are all made from softer leaf bushes, their nests resting between the roots. The Nursery is not far off from the Healers den, made from a fallen hollow log and decorated with the sweetest smelling flowers and herbs. The Healers' den rests within an opening in the rocks that make up one of the valley's mountains where herbs could be stored in the cooler deeper areas. Lastly the leader's den is nestled within a stone formation similar to the healers, but larger where the clan meetings are held atop.
  2. The Hot Springs - To the north of Verdantclans territory close to Glacierclans border is a series of pools nestled amongst cold harsh rocks. The air becomes warm and murky and the waters of these pools are perfect for chasing off the chill.
  3. The Aurora Falls - Various streams cut through the rolling green hills and mountains throughout Verdantclans territory. Towards the west of their camp one in particular catches the clans eye, where the water falls and reflects the light of the sun in a way that reminds each cat of the night's Aurora.
  4. The Thundertusk Pastures - To the South and eastern parts of Verdantclans territory are where the large herds of Thundertusks wander and graze, crossing freely between the Verdant and Basalt border.
  5. The Runestone Barrier - To the far south of Verdantclan territory lies a large stone that bares many carved runes on its face. This stone marks the end of known clan territory, all that lies beyond is rife with chaotic wild magic. Cats who have crossed have not been heard from again.


Describe your organization's values and principles as a collective. What do they believe in? What kind of values do they try to uphold and/ or encompass as an organization?

Maecenas efficitur aliquam leo ac pulvinar. Sed mattis ultrices lacus, nec vulputate eros hendrerit eu. Donec ultrices, purus a varius molestie, velit velit pharetra lorem, aliquam ultricies augue orci non lacus. Integer facilisis odio et dui luctus, rutrum ultricies urna sodales. Maecenas pulvinar dapibus libero, vel semper erat dictum ut. Proin egestas, tortor non gravida laoreet, ex neque ultrices mi, a cursus diam eros non sapien. Aliquam malesuada convallis ex a iaculis. Donec bibendum sem non accumsan pretium.


  1. The Meaning In Flowers - .....
  2. Mateship Crowns - .....
  3. Tales of Ill-Omens - .....
  4. The Firefly Festival - ....




Scouts are a sight one can find in any of the clans. These warriors take it upon themselves to be the eyes and ears of their clans, keeping ever vigilant of their borders and reporting back should anything be amiss.



Verdantclan territory is lush with greenery, and they take great care to keep their home as healthy as they can. Herb tenders take it upon themselves to gather the seeds of their flora and plant them so they may grow anew, taking what can be used to their healers.



With the roaming Thundertusk herds throughout their territory Verdantclan has found it necessary to learn how to redirect these large wooly beasts away from their camp and best hunting spots. These warriors take it upon themselves to rush head on into the Frey against these large creatures for their home.


Describe how people are recruited into joining your organization. Is there a test that they have to undertake? Do they have to be recommended by another member? How strict or lenient is your organization in accepting new members? What are the qualifications needed to join?

Ut ut quam eget ligula porttitor sollicitudin. Vivamus porta convallis vulputate. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse id sem egestas, eleifend turpis sit amet, viverra ante. Fusce interdum sit amet dui sit amet euismod. Quisque in odio lectus. Sed posuere nec dolor vel gravida. Phasellus elit libero, tempus ac lectus ut, tempor gravida nisl.

Quisque eu facilisis lorem, in aliquet mauris. Cras et lacus ut lorem suscipit dictum ut a tortor. Pellentesque velit massa, pulvinar at imperdiet a, cursus at ligula. Nulla hendrerit finibus tellus, ac feugiat massa tincidunt eu. Aenean urna risus, pretium vel mollis non, tincidunt vitae magna. Morbi mollis erat ut odio cursus, quis congue sem pretium. Integer erat sem, suscipit sed odio sit amet, consectetur euismod lectus. Ut fringilla, dui eu condimentum porta, eros arcu vehicula dolor, et pellentesque odio massa consequat magna. Pellentesque posuere dolor id massa malesuada placerat. Maecenas vel orci ligula. Proin rhoncus, ligula ac iaculis fringilla, nibh velit pellentesque elit, non iaculis libero mi suscipit purus. Donec dolor dui, auctor sed nibh non, congue fermentum turpis.


Verdantclan more often than not views the other clans as cruel, cold, barbaric even when the situation calls. They are a clan who believe in building one another up, through peace and not through the misguided notion of ‘survival of the fittest’ as the other clans may think. Though they protect their borders fiercely Verdantclans first choice is to try to talk down situations rather than leaping head first into a battle, and refuse to get between the long standing conflicts between Glacierclan and Basaltclan.

Basaltclan .......

Glacierclan .......


Specify if your organization is recognized by the public or otherwise works in the shadows. If they're a public organization, what do the masses/ society/ general think about them? Are they well-known and respected? Or are they feared?

Phasellus pretium quis dolor quis volutpat. Sed a vestibulum velit. Nullam id tortor quam. Sed suscipit orci enim. Nullam leo arcu, dignissim ut metus a, viverra hendrerit metus. Cras vestibulum arcu eu ullamcorper pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam eget vulputate tellus. Phasellus ex sapien, varius eget lectus eu, hendrerit consectetur lacus. Praesent a mauris ex. Nam nec vestibulum est. Sed fermentum orci nisi, sed vulputate ipsum interdum eget. Quisque luctus neque quis purus cursus suscipit. Phasellus leo mi, eleifend nec interdum in, lacinia a sem.

Etiam commodo risus tempus quam ullamcorper, eget dapibus lectus sollicitudin. Nunc porta velit a dolor consequat, quis tempor arcu imperdiet. Aliquam nec metus dictum leo luctus blandit. Etiam aliquam consectetur velit et volutpat. Aenean ut massa id est lobortis ornare eu nec augue. Suspendisse semper felis orci, molestie bibendum mauris ultrices non. Donec malesuada, diam a accumsan faucibus, tortor nunc mattis urna, pharetra semper ex massa at ipsum. Fusce consequat commodo turpis vitae efficitur. Morbi nec sapien tempus orci sollicitudin bibendum.



  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: She/They
  • RANK: Leader


  • AGE: 26 Moons
  • PRONOUNS: He/Him
  • RANK: Healer


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown

Code by Aurorean


Posted 8 months, 2 days ago by doomedGemini





  • FOUNDER Albatrossfeather
  • LEADER Snowstar


"The Resilient and Faithful"

A clan and turf made of polar opposites. In the grips of winter, they shelter beneath the ever-changing caves between glacier and rock, created by the melt waters of the summer. And, in the summer, they walk opposite the path, rising into the volcanic territories wherever they may be active. They are defined by defiance, by tests of ability, of embracing the extremes of the god. There is religion in suffering. There is enlightenment in survival.

Magic is of the soul is of the god. And their god is a dead one. The use of magic is seen often as a cheat, a sign of weakness of body and will. Despite this, not knowing your soul's color is looked upon with equal disdain. You should be the master of yourself, know yourself. There is no room for late bloomers in Glacierclan, or you might as well start anew in the Aurora or set out to pasture in Verdantclan.


  1. Clan Camp - Due to the extreme nature of Glacierclans territory these cats have chosen to have two small camps that they travel between rather than one larger and fortified camp. During the summer seasons these cats travel to their camp in the north that rests between the rune barrier and the silent forest, their dens crafted from fallen pine branches, peeled tree bark, and the walls of the entrance to the ice tunnels. During the winter seasons the clan travels south, closer to the Slumbering Saber where they once again make camp within the opening to one of the ice tunnels, the dens on this side consisting of smaller caves within the walls and the foliage of nearby berry bushes.
  2. The Glaciers Peak - To the north eastern part of Glacierclans territory where the ocean meets their land stands a large pointed glacier, the clan often uses this spot to watch the aurora and stars.
  3. The Ice Tunnels - Frozen tunnels of solid ice and stone run throughout the entirety of Glacierclans territory. The clan often use these tunnels to get around without being noticed by prey and predator alike, while also taking time to study the rune carvings that decorate the icy walls from cats of old.
  4. The Silent Forest - the west and south western part of Glacierclan territory is covered in a thick evergreen forest that stretches to the Verdantclan border.
  5. The Runestone Barrier - To the far north of Glacierclan territory lies a large stone that bares many carved runes on its face. This stone marks the end of known clan territory, all that lies beyond is rife with chaotic wild magic. Cats who have crossed have not been heard from again.


Describe your organization's values and principles as a collective. What do they believe in? What kind of values do they try to uphold and/ or encompass as an organization?

Maecenas efficitur aliquam leo ac pulvinar. Sed mattis ultrices lacus, nec vulputate eros hendrerit eu. Donec ultrices, purus a varius molestie, velit velit pharetra lorem, aliquam ultricies augue orci non lacus. Integer facilisis odio et dui luctus, rutrum ultricies urna sodales. Maecenas pulvinar dapibus libero, vel semper erat dictum ut. Proin egestas, tortor non gravida laoreet, ex neque ultrices mi, a cursus diam eros non sapien. Aliquam malesuada convallis ex a iaculis. Donec bibendum sem non accumsan pretium.


  1. List the rules your organization members have to uphold as a member of said organization.
  2. Mauris a quam felis. Phasellus ante risus, interdum et neque sed, ultricies porta nunc. In cursus eros at porta sagittis. Quisque iaculis rhoncus nisi, a bibendum sapien ultricies vel.
  3. Fusce mauris urna, eleifend sit amet dapibus sed, aliquet convallis risus. Fusce posuere molestie felis, sed tristique magna dictum at.
  4. Sed malesuada nunc id ante semper, sed porttitor tortor finibus. Mauris ac eleifend orci, et dapibus mauris. Mauris at porttitor odio
  5. Proin finibus elit sed imperdiet mollis.




Scouts are a sight one can find in any of the clans. These warriors take it upon themselves to be the eyes and ears of their clans, keeping ever vigilant of their borders and reporting back should anything be amiss.



Glacierclan is ever faithful in their dead god, and as such they have taken up the task in studying the markings found in the Ice Tunnels, deciphering them and taking them up as their own. Rune Makers will scratch runes into the bark of trees and the walls of ice ever striding to be closer to the slumbering one..



Ice claws are warriors who excel in fighting and hunting on the ever present ice that makes up much of Glacierclans territory. They have learned the secrets to walking on ice as thin as a leaf and fish in the coldest of temperatures.


Describe how people are recruited into joining your organization. Is there a test that they have to undertake? Do they have to be recommended by another member? How strict or lenient is your organization in accepting new members? What are the qualifications needed to join?

Ut ut quam eget ligula porttitor sollicitudin. Vivamus porta convallis vulputate. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse id sem egestas, eleifend turpis sit amet, viverra ante. Fusce interdum sit amet dui sit amet euismod. Quisque in odio lectus. Sed posuere nec dolor vel gravida. Phasellus elit libero, tempus ac lectus ut, tempor gravida nisl.

Quisque eu facilisis lorem, in aliquet mauris. Cras et lacus ut lorem suscipit dictum ut a tortor. Pellentesque velit massa, pulvinar at imperdiet a, cursus at ligula. Nulla hendrerit finibus tellus, ac feugiat massa tincidunt eu. Aenean urna risus, pretium vel mollis non, tincidunt vitae magna. Morbi mollis erat ut odio cursus, quis congue sem pretium. Integer erat sem, suscipit sed odio sit amet, consectetur euismod lectus. Ut fringilla, dui eu condimentum porta, eros arcu vehicula dolor, et pellentesque odio massa consequat magna. Pellentesque posuere dolor id massa malesuada placerat. Maecenas vel orci ligula. Proin rhoncus, ligula ac iaculis fringilla, nibh velit pellentesque elit, non iaculis libero mi suscipit purus. Donec dolor dui, auctor sed nibh non, congue fermentum turpis.


Describe where your headquarters are located here. You can also describe the general structure of it, both in terms of exterior and interior. Is it large and spacious? Small and cramped? In somebody's basement?

Vestibulum id sem semper, malesuada diam et, bibendum libero. Integer sed dui eget sapien fermentum rutrum non id ipsum. Nunc sodales nibh sed ante elementum venenatis. Mauris nec accumsan dolor. In venenatis gravida turpis, eget faucibus magna pulvinar vitae. In ut nisl orci. Sed tortor lorem, pulvinar in justo condimentum, mollis congue ipsum. Aenean quis varius nisl. Praesent maximus elit at malesuada vestibulum. Fusce commodo mi non felis luctus porta. Suspendisse maximus augue vitae dapibus pulvinar. Quisque ut eros sit amet nisi fringilla tempor.

Ut rhoncus massa a lacus cursus sagittis. Etiam tristique bibendum dictum. Integer consectetur eu eros ut euismod. Morbi eu elit vel urna imperdiet rhoncus ut id magna. Nunc pretium, purus quis rutrum sagittis, nisl nunc semper felis, eu viverra magna felis quis quam. Suspendisse quis dignissim lacus, nec ultricies turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam commodo quam lacinia mi laoreet, at sagittis lorem volutpat. Vivamus nec vestibulum erat, eget sollicitudin lorem. Donec vel augue et elit imperdiet ultrices in id mi. Vestibulum urna justo, efficitur quis auctor non, tristique quis erat.


Specify if your organization is recognized by the public or otherwise works in the shadows. If they're a public organization, what do the masses/ society/ general think about them? Are they well-known and respected? Or are they feared?

Phasellus pretium quis dolor quis volutpat. Sed a vestibulum velit. Nullam id tortor quam. Sed suscipit orci enim. Nullam leo arcu, dignissim ut metus a, viverra hendrerit metus. Cras vestibulum arcu eu ullamcorper pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam eget vulputate tellus. Phasellus ex sapien, varius eget lectus eu, hendrerit consectetur lacus. Praesent a mauris ex. Nam nec vestibulum est. Sed fermentum orci nisi, sed vulputate ipsum interdum eget. Quisque luctus neque quis purus cursus suscipit. Phasellus leo mi, eleifend nec interdum in, lacinia a sem.

Etiam commodo risus tempus quam ullamcorper, eget dapibus lectus sollicitudin. Nunc porta velit a dolor consequat, quis tempor arcu imperdiet. Aliquam nec metus dictum leo luctus blandit. Etiam aliquam consectetur velit et volutpat. Aenean ut massa id est lobortis ornare eu nec augue. Suspendisse semper felis orci, molestie bibendum mauris ultrices non. Donec malesuada, diam a accumsan faucibus, tortor nunc mattis urna, pharetra semper ex massa at ipsum. Fusce consequat commodo turpis vitae efficitur. Morbi nec sapien tempus orci sollicitudin bibendum.



  • AGE: 38 Moons
  • PRONOUNS: They/It
  • RANK: Leader


  • AGE: 55 Moons
  • PRONOUNS: He/Him
  • RANK: Healer


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • PRONOUNS: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown

Code by Aurorean