Updates n things

Posted 5 months, 7 days ago by Wingspan

Hello everyone! I thought I'd make another quick bulletin to update some stuff and discuss upcoming plans.

First off, new profile code! I mostly wanted to bring more emphasis to my website. Also this one is mobile-friendly, so that's nice.

Second, I'm thinking of making a change to my Deckrealm story collection-thing. To preface, when I originally started these stories, they were meant to take place in this big connected universe. There was a main character that went around meeting everyone and bringing them together for a big climax. But the main gimmick was the Cardfolk, one character for each card in the standard deck. Initially they were meant to have magical powers of some kind, but I scrapped that pretty quickly. Eventually I scrapped the whole connected universe idea entirely in favor of focusing on each story as its own thing. 

Deirdre, Mac, Doctor Marvello, Charlie (+ Harlequin and Mr. Bellamy, who are kind of in limbo right now oops) are all Cardfolk. But outside of their designs, it doesn't really MEAN anything. They're all sterile and popped into the world instead of being born (which in the universe would happen immediately after the last Cardfolk's death) but I don't have any good reason for it aside from "that's just how Cardfolk do lol". I also feel a tiny bit guilty any time I get compliments for the Cardfolk idea cause I'm not doing anything with it, really.

So after much thinking, I'm gonna scrap the Cardfolk concept. In time I'm going to redesign them to remove at the very least the numbers on their clothing. I guess this also means I can't really call it Deckrealm anymore, and with the increasing focus I've had on stories outside of Deckrealm, I think it makes sense to just combine them all into one list. 

This isn't going to happen immediately cause I want to redesign them first and that takes time. But I guess I just wanted to let everyone know in advance... and also ramble, lol.

TL;DR They ain't gonna be cards anymore...

Oh and also Tucker, Deirdre, and Mona aren't going to be Faedir anymore. I've noticed that my preferences for characters have shifted over the years from funky open species creatures to (currently and probably forever) more cartoony, regular animals. Sorry to people who enjoyed their funkiness, but I personally enjoy his simplier design more. Now he actually looks like he's part of the same story as the rival surfer gang I think. Also he's based on a young peregrine falcon, Mona is also going to be a falcon and Deirdre is going to be an owl. (Comparison in spoiler below)



Also I rewrote Tucker’s profile and tested out a new code on it. I’m not super crazy about the code so I’ll keep looking for a new one. My only problem with the current code is that I have to draw an icon for the character as well as a fullbody and I usually just want to get the fullbody ref done and over with haha.

Okay update on this I ended up giving Tucker his old code back LOL... there's like a very specific-looking code I want to find but after scrolling for 2 hours straight I came with nothing so yeah. I did edit the code, though. The focal image is gone and the little headshot is replaced with a fullbody. I also got rid of the stats + likes/dislikes cause I never cared for those. I'll likely change the other characters once I get around to them.