PSA anxiousfool

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by bellagoth

im not posting this to the forums because they scare me & idk how to format properly anyway but i wont care if someone else puts this there anyway. ill updte w more links later im tired rn

so recently i traded for this character olive but when looking at the supposed creators art page i noticed that everything else except for one picture was in a wildly different style which made me very suspicious. i looked up the username & text on the photo (literally looked up "ami amii night owl") and found the original place it was posted. the original artist is ami-amii on tumblr & when i found the place where the character was originally posted it said it was claimed by tumblr user ayanti back in 2018. at first i thought "oh maybe ayanti is anxiousfool who claimed these characters then uploaded them later" but the other one anxiousfool uploaded was claimed by a different person. i messaged ayanti a few hours ago to see if theres any possible way its not stolen but am still waiting on a response. im just really disappointed right now tbh. ive added the credit for ami-amii myself

i was gonna message anxiousfool but they havent been active in 4 months. im just making this to let you know if you see any characters for trade with anxiousfool as the creator they are most likely stolenĀ 


oh no! i'm sorry you have to go through this. if there's anything i can do, feel free to message me :(